
Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Day at the Park

Andrew likes to ride his bike to the park.
But he never wants to ride it back.
He wants us to carry him!  Ha!  So it is a little hard to maneuver him, and his bike on the way home!
This is his going fast face!
He loves the hill by the park.
He just lifts up his legs and away he goes!
And he's fast!
I couldn't resist taking a picture of him wearing a sweat band around his leg! Ha!
He had fun playing at the park...
He found some boys to "chase" him down the slide!

But the coolest part about our trip to the park...
The boys had a lizard there!  Andrew was convinced it was his "Komodo Dragon" lizard he brought home from Chicago.

That was definitely the most interesting thing we've ever seen at the park.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that big boy riding his bike!
    Hope you're having a blast on vaca!

    The Spencers
