
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

During some of our first days of summer vacation my mom and I took Andrew and headed up to the lake to spend time boating with my aunt and cousins.
Andrew is a very big "helper."  
He insisted on lowering the boat the entire way with no help from us.  Mr. Independent.
This also took up half the day!  Ha!
Andrew thoroughly enjoyed having his cousins ride the boat with him!
We had a picnic on the boat and then headed to the beach to swim.
 Andrew loved playing on the beach with his cousins.
Kendra & Andrew
I am so pleased with how well Andrew has taken to the water this summer.  He is a little fish!  Now we are just working on getting him to keep his mouth closed when swimming!  The lake water isn't exactly the best thing for him to be swallowing.
This is just how we spent the whole day.  The boat is in the background (my mom and aunt are soaking in the rays as I am on the beach with all the kids!  Ha!  I was playing photographer.  My how my life has changed!  Ha!)
One of the best things about going to the lake during the week is that there are no other boats out and the lake is always like glass.  I am loving my chosen profession so I can always enjoy these quiet days when everyone else is working!  Ha!
Probably Andrew's favorite thing to do is sit and throw rocks in the lake.  This completely entertains him.  We just have to work on making sure there is no one in front of him!
Kelsie & Andrew
Kolton helping Andrew kick his legs and back float.  The kid doesn't even need swimming lessons!  He has so many people teaching him how to swim!  Ha!  I love this picture of them because Kolton's dad (my uncle) is the one who taught me how to water ski.  I was only five years old and he basically dropped me in the water and wouldn't let me back in the boat until I could ski!  Ha!
Andrew figured out that if he walked out far enough, his feet wouldn't touch the bottom anymore.  He thought that was pretty cool!  He learned to float in his life jacket and kick his legs!  Just keeping that mouth closed was a challenge!  (Yes, he takes after his mama in more ways than one!) Ha!
Then Andrew insisted on driving the boat back all by himself.  He looks like he knows what he's doing, doesn't he?  I think we can officially call him a little boater!  And I love it!

We had such a fun day splashing and swimming in the lake.
Picnicing on the boat.
Enjoying family.
Soaking in the rays.
There's just nothing like lazy days at the lake!

We all went back and showered, went out for pizza and watched Toy Story 3 (yes, again!) at the lake theater.
It was a great weekend!

* Side note-  We are leaving for Disneyworld this evening!  Please pray for safe and healthy travels for us!  I'll be posting updates that I've already written that I want to get caught up on before all the Disney updates!  We'll be back in a week!


  1. That looks like a GREAT day at the lake!
    Hope you have a great time in Disney World! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  2. Zeb has the same problem..won't keep that mouth shut..yucko! Love the pics..Love the Lake ..wish we lived closer! Hope you have fun at Disney World!! :)

  3. What FUN!!! Hope you had a safe trip to the Happiest Place on Earth!! Been thinking about you guys and I can't wait to see all of the great pics you're gonna take!
