
Friday, July 23, 2010

First Airplane Ride & Magic Kingdom-Part 1

This was our luggage the day we left!  Ha!  Yeah, I'm wondering how we managed it all, too.
Before we got on the plane, Papa took us all out to eat at the Cracker Barrel, yum!  
Andrew getting ready to walk into the airport for his first airplane ride!
He acted like such a big boy carting around his suitcase!
Papa gave him some money to buy a special souvenir when we were there.
 Andrew and daddy checking out the airplanes while we were waiting...
Our airplane hadn't come in yet- there was a storm in Florida (big surprise! It rained every day we were there, for at least part of the day) so the plane was delayed.
Luckily we entertained all the kids on our flight with Andrew's portable DVD player, which saved us on more than one occasion on this trip!
This just cracks me up, look at them flock- now the little boy behind us is in on it!  Ha!  We waited an extra hour, so most of the people were thanking us because otherwise we would have had some cranky kids!
Andrew was excited once we finally got on the airplane!
We had tons of extra seats- Craig had a row all to himself, and so I moved over by him later on so Andrew could sprawl out and fall asleep.
This is pretty much what he did the whole flight.  He sat and ate his munchies and watched movies.  He loved it.  He really enjoyed when the plane took off and went really fast!
It got fairly late because of the plane delay so he couldn't quite stay awake for the whole flight.
Once we landed in Orlando he was still crashed so he slept the whole way to our hotel on the shuttle, too.
This is a picture of our hotel.  We stayed right on the Disney property for three nights.  It was so much easier to get around that way since there are free buses to the parks.  Our hotel was along the river, so you could also take a boat to Downtown Disney, which was really neat!
The next morning waiting in the hotel lobby to head out to the bus stop to catch a bus to Magic Kingdom!

Magic Kingdom- Part 1

Magic Kingdom was just like it sounds- magical.
Once we got in and got our bearings, we had a fantastic time, despite the heat!  My planning and organizing ahead of time paid off- I knew which rides we wanted to ride and which ones had fast passes.  Everything went smoothly and we almost got to everything on the list!
We started out on the Jungle Cruise because there was hardly a line at all.  Andrew loved the animals and riding in the little boat.  This was always a favorite ride of mine when I came here as a kid.
While waiting for a fast pass ride, Andrew and daddy rode Dumbo!
I think Andrew was most excited about this ride!  We watched the movie Dumbo for the first time a few days before the trip and Andrew couldn't wait to ride it!
Then we went on one of my favorite rides- It's a Small World.
Andrew loved it.  I just love the music and the little boat ride- plus it was wonderfully air conditioned!  Ha!
Andrew will not stop talking about this ride- Peter Pan's Flight.  He loved it.  He wanted to go again and again (too bad it's so popular and has a super long wait time).  
He loved the "Peter Pan boat" and keeps asking to go on the Peter Pan boat "one more time, okay?"  This was definitely his favorite ride!
Andrew also rode the Disney Carousel.
He just had the time of his life.
Then we went on Snow White's Scary Adventures!
Andrew loves Snow White- mostly he likes the dwarfs.  He is always singing the "Hi Ho" song!  Ha!
We all loved the Winnie the Pooh ride, too.  You ride in a little honey pot through a story book of Winnie the Pooh.  Your honey pot bounces like Tigger during some of it- it was really fun.  I just love all the rides at Disney- they are so different from your typical amusement park ride.  They tell the story and entertain so well.  It is truly amazing.
On our way to Tomorrowland....
Andrew loved this train ride called Transit Authority.  It takes you around Tomorrowland and shows you all the different rides.  It is neat because it takes you through the rides and you can see them through the window!  Andrew wanted to ride this again, too.  He loves trains!
We were on the train but across the street it shows the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor show.  Andrew loved seeing Mike Wasowski make jokes!  And again, another nice air conditioned break!
Andrew with goofy- one of his many souvenir purchases from Ga Ga!
I will do part 2 of our day at Magic Kingdom next- there was just too much to share in one post!  So for now, I'll leave you with this happy little guy's smiling face!  He made it all worth it.  Just watching him light up was the best part for me...