
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Slumber Party!

This summer since daddy has been really busy with baseball and softball games, Andrew and I have spent a lot of time with Papa and Ga Ga.  One day we went to a really fun trail near their house to play in this awesome "stick house."
It is really neat- as you are walking along the trail this just appears around the corner!  Andrew was really excited.  We had been there once last year, and I think he remembered it, too.
He just runs through it without stopping!
Peek a Boo!
We got him to stop for a second to peek through the window with Papa...
And Ga Ga.
He just had the best time in his stick house.  I wonder if he felt like the three little pigs!  Ha!
Look how tall these wildflowers are!  
Ga Ga and Papa were riding their bikes and Andrew got a "ride!"
He put his little head on Papa's shoulders, it was so sweet.
I caught him for a picture right before he did this...
He is quite the little cliff diver!  Ha!  He loved doing this.  There were about 6 of these big rocks and he'd get up on each one and jump off like this.  I swear he is fearless!
After that we headed back to Ga Ga's house and Papa helped Andrew and I plant some flowers to take home.  My flower pots were looking a little shabby!
Don't I have quite the green thumb?  Ha!  I can't believe I let it get this out of control, but it does make me laugh!
Andrew loved helping Papa
Then he went over and had the little sailor give him a "hug."  So funny!

Another day I dropped Andrew off to have a slumber party at Ga Ga's house.  He just loves staying there, and it gave me some time to get things packed and ready for our trip!
They had surprised him and got him this neat Woody and Buzz bed tent!  They had a campout!
Andrew wanted Papa to sleep in the tent with him!  Ha!
Andrew went right to sleep and stayed in here the whole night!  He has been asking to go back and sleep in his tent!
The next morning they took Andrew on a long bike ride.  We all love to ride our bikes so much that we invested in a used Burley so we could take Andrew with us!
He absolutely loves to ride in the Burley!
He just sits back and enjoys the ride!
After their bike ride Andrew wanted to do a little biking of his own...
This is Papa's old tricycle he found for Andrew to use.  Andrew loves it, but he still can't reach those pedals!  I thought for sure by this summer he'd have learned how to pedal, but no luck.  We just call him Fred Flinstone!
Posing by Ga Ga's flowers
On their way back to our house they stopped and picked up some grilled food at our grocery store- they usually grill out during the lunch time and it is so good!
 Andrew loved his hot dog and chips!

We are so blessed to have Ga Ga and Papa live so close so they can spend so much time with Andrew.  He just adores them and loves going places with them.  He especially likes it when we are all together.
Andrew making a funny face at the camera!  I think he's seen us do this a time or two to try to get him to smile for pictures!  Ha!

*I'm working on part one of our Disney post!  I have over 1500 pictures to sort through! Lol!  It is taking me forever but I almost have my first update ready! :)  More soon!


  1. It is so wonderful that Andrew has such great grandparents. That tent for his bed is so cool! I can believe that he loved that. :) Glad you all are having such a great summer! 1500 pictures of Disney!?!?! Good for you! Can't wait to see some of them! :) :)

  2. That looks like so much fun!! I love it when grandparents take the time to have fun with the grandkids. And the tent? Seriously cool!!

    It sounds like we were on vacation at about the same time (we went to KS, where my husband's family is from) and I took 1800 pics that week!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes LOTS and LOTS of pictures!!
