
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Water Day!

I've been taking Andrew to water day at his day care on Wednesday mornings.  He loves getting to see his friends and play in the water!
I figure it is a good way for him not to forget about it, since he'll be going back before we know it!
They have sprinklers, water tables, a slip n slide...pretty much every water toy you can imagine.
Andrew reconnected with his best buddy, Charlie.

I just love this day care.  They have been voted the best day care in our town for many years.  The outdoor playground area is just awesome- it is all shaded with brand new equipment and that special flooring that is soft when they fall.
The playground is all fenced in, and then behind it they have this huge open area for the kids to run and play!  (And have water day!)
They do all kinds of fun things in this space, like field days, races and lots more.
And for a kid who loves to be outside, it can't get much better!
I am so blessed to have found this place for him.  It is managed by two sisters who are both former teachers and they are awesome.  They treat all the kids like their own and it is just the best place.
Andrew misses his little friends.  Every time we drive by his "school" he looks at it and says "Hi school, hi friends!" 
But for now, I want to treasure every moment we have left this summer, because as much as I love Andrew's day care... I love being home with him lots more!

I wish I could hit a "pause" button!

PS- We are back from Disney!  I am working on blog updates from our trip but I have a couple more to post first to stay caught up!  We had a wonderful time!  More to come soon...


  1. That looks like so much fun!! I'm slowly getting used to the idea that I'm going to have to go back to work after Ewan is born, and it's so good to know (even if it's not here) that there are day cares as good as yours out there.

    Those pictures make me want to go to water day!!

  2. How amazing that you've found such a great daycare for Andrew! That doesn't happen very often!

    Water day looks like a ton of fun. Derrick would love to join in on that! I'm glad you guys had fun in Disney. Can't wait for the updates!
