
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Fun!

I realize I'm long overdue for a blog update... Like I said last time, this "getting back into the swing" is taking me longer than I thought!  It is so hard to keep up, with so much changing in education lately (I feel like I'm a first year teacher again!) not to mention Andrew's preschool "homework" projects (which are fun, but so hands on and time consuming!) and just the day to day housework that I don't have time for since I'm working all day and on the weekends I just want to relax and be with my family!  I have said before that I refuse to let our busy schedules take priority over blogging, and I plan to keep that promise!

Many people have commented that they don't know how I have time to keep up with a blog on top of everything else (working full time, etc).  The truth is, I really don't have time.  but I choose to make it a priority.  Right now there is a mountain of laundry to do and a dishwasher to be unloaded.  Our DVR is about to explode with shows to watch.  Yet I sit here blogging because not only is it my hobby and something I enjoy, but it is also our family's journal that I intend to print off and treasure for years to come.

That being said, I must begin this fun filled update with some sad news.  It has been a rough week in the world of CHD's.  Two heart mom bloggers I have gotten to know just gave birth to beautiful baby boys... Ewan and Joshua.  And just weeks after their births, both of these babies have been welcomed into the arms of Jesus.  I am heartbroken for these families, as I know how much they loved their boys.  I love mine just the same.  And as busy as our schedules get, as stressed out as I am with things to do, I cannot help but take a moment to stop and be thankful for those things, as overwhelming as they seem.  Please keep these special families in your prayers as they have many tough days ahead.

Around here we have been enjoying the start of the fall season!  We kicked off fall by whipping up a couple batches of our family's favorite pumpkin bread.  This stuff is the best you'll ever taste!  Andrew thinks so too!  He loves to help me bake!
As you can see, he enjoyed some taste testing too!
(Don't worry, I caught him before he stuck his hand back in!  Ha!)
But he did enjoy licking the beaters!
We went to a reunion for kids who were in the NICU a couple weekends ago.  Andrew had a blast playing the games and seeing some of his old doctors and nurses!
This was so funny- he was supposed to just pick out a fish, but instead he jumped right in the pool!  Ha!  I think he thought it was one of those ball pits!  
This is Dr. Murphy, the doctor who was on call in the NICU that fateful night of Andrew's unexpected birth 6 weeks early.  I will never forget him coming to talk to us before Andrew was born.  He was so wonderful and explained everything about the NICU, and what would happen after Andrew was born.  We were so impressed by him.  He took such good care of Andrew that night, we will always be grateful to him.  He remembered Andrew right away- it was so fun to see him again.
This was our favorite nurse, Kahala.  Andrew loved her from the moment they met.  She was amazing with him.  She gave him his first bath in the NICU and helped us learn how to do it.  She always loved his hair.  She said she could never forget Andrew because of all that hair!  After we had overstayed our welcome in the family apartment in the NICU, we had to give it up to families who lived farther away (yeah, the NICU is a few short miles from our house but I couldn't leave him to go home!) :(  But when they kicked us out, I always felt safe leaving him with Kahala.  She would go in at night and just hold him and cuddle him and I loved that about her.  I would always set my alarm (like I could get any sleep anyway!) and call her in the middle of the night to check on him.  She always told me he was doing good and she had been cuddling him.  There is just nothing that means more to a mommy than when someone else loves your baby, especially when you can't be with them.
She is just so fun and gets down and plays with the kids!  Everyone just loves her.  There was even a line to see her this day!  Ha!
I think Andrew was in love with her!  He always has been a flirt and loves pretty girls!  Ha!
After our NICU party we headed to Boone to see Thomas!
This is the third year in a row we have gone to see Thomas.  Andrew loves it more every year.
I had to laugh about meeting Sir Topham Hatt again.  Last year, Craig waited in a super long line while Andrew played with trains, just so he could meet Sir Topham Hatt.  By the time it was Andrew's turn, he freaked out.  He wanted no part of it!
It is so funny to compare last year's picture to this year's.  He stood by Sir T Hatt with such pride this year.  He held his hand and just stared at him.
It is amazing what a difference a year makes!
Watching Thomas with Ga Ga.
My grandma lives in Boone so we always stop by to see her after Thomas.  Andrew always loves playing at Gran Tootie's house!  She has a couple of birds in a cage by the window and Andrew loves them.  He got such a kick out of them chirping.
It has been just beautiful weather lately.  So we took advantage of it and had a picnic dinner one evening with Kevin, Alissa and Lilly.
We went to a park by the lake and ate Subway and played- the kids had the park all to themselves.
Then we walked down by the water to throw some rocks in the lake!
These two are just precious together.  They have known each other all their lives and their mommies are best friends.  They have grown up together and are like brother and sister.  Lilly takes care of Andrew at day care and always updates me on what went on each day!  Ha!  I love that they go to day care together, even though they are in different rooms.  They are exactly one year apart in age.
These pictures are horrible quality because I took them with my phone, but one morning we met them out for breakfast at this new little gourmet donut shop in town.  They were just so cute together.  They read the paper like an old married couple!
Best Buddies!
It's Pumpkin Patch time!  Andrew's day care took a field trip last week and they had a great time!  His teacher emailed me these pictures (no, I didn't send my camera this time!  Ha!)  Andrew is the fourth one from the left.
Andrew is right in the middle under the Apples sign.

We are going to this same pumpkin patch this weekend!  It is the most fun one around here!  They have so much for kids to do!  We love to go there every year.  It is one of my favorite things about fall.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the fall season!