
Monday, September 27, 2010

Birthday Fun

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes on here, Facebook and email!  It was so fun to have a constant stream of emails coming in that day from all my family and friends!  It made the day so fun!

So did this little man!
I had to take a picture of Andrew with my birthday cake! :)  Ha!  I cracked up when I saw what my mom had written on the cake!  "Happy Birthday Your Highness!"  
 This has been an inside joke for many years between my mom, dad and I (and has rubbed off on Craig as well!)  My dad used to call me "Highness" as a joke.  He would fold his hands and bow while backing out of the room if I had asked him for something, etc.  It used to make me giggle. :)  So my mom thought I would get a kick out of this!  And it certainly made me laugh out loud! 
We all went out to eat together at Applebees and came back to our house for cake and ice cream.  It was the perfect way to spend the evening.  
Andrew was so sweet, he sang "Happy Birthday" to me in his sweet little voice.  It just made me want to cry!  He loves birthdays and he gets really into it!  He really enjoys all of our birthdays, not just his.  Probably because he still gets to enjoy the cake and ice cream!  Ha!
He was so excited because he "helped" me blow out the candles.  When they went out he yelled "I got it!"  He didn't realize I had actually blown them out!  Ha!  I had to laugh, he wanted to wear his "bones" pajamas.  Sets the mood for fall, doesn't it?
He was helping me open my presents and cards, too!
 He was putting this sack on his head and it had glitter all over it!  He had tons of glitter in his hair and the next day was picture day at his school!  He had already had a bath so I just scrubbed it out as best as I could!  His hair will probably be sparkling in his picture!  Ha!
Surprise!  Mom and Jim gave me a super tiny camera I can carry in my purse and I just love it!  I had been wanting something small to carry that also has video on it, since my old camera broke, remember?  I love my new camera but it is so huge that it is hard to carry around places, and it doesn't have video.  I think I'm set for my photography hobby for a while!  Now I am just begging Craig for a new iMac to go with it!  Ha!  Wishful thinking.  
Andrew was so thrilled that he had to get out his Elmo camera too!  Ha!
And an evening can't go by without a ride on Papa's shoulders...
And some wrestling!  Ha!
Andrew thinks Papa is a human jungle gym!
 And he freaked us all out when he stood up and did this... then he JUMPED off!  Yeah, he's a daredevil.

I just had the best day, and I am so thankful for everyone who helped to make it special, especially this little guy!