
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Hurrah!

Wow, it's been a while since my last update.  We have been very busy since school got out!  We are enjoying the freedom of summer, and having daddy home too!  We've been getting ready for our garage sale, shopping and working hard to finish baby girl's room before the big day, and managed to squeeze a little mini vacation in- our last hurrah before we become a family of FOUR in less than a month!
We went to Wisconsin Dells with our friends, the Grylls family, to celebrate the beginning of summer and enjoy some time together before baby comes.  We wanted to give Andrew lots of attention and special treatment! (Like he doesn't always get the royal treatment!  Ha!)

We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge, which was a great choice.  There was so much to do there, you never even had to leave!  There were 4 indoor and 4 outdoor waterparks, all within the same resort- it was huge!  They even had Go-Karts, which the boys all enjoyed and rode every day we were there! 
This is the first thing we did when we arrived.  This picture cracks me up because neither Craig nor Andrew looks too thrilled here, but it is because their car wasn't working at first so they had to switch cars, then this one didn't run very well either!  It kept stopping along the way and they were getting frustrated!  Ha!
They finally got going and ended up having so much fun.  Plus, they got a free ride out of the deal!
Here they are racing our friends, Landon and his daddy, Greg.  Andrew kept looking back at Landon and was just squealing he was so excited!
While we were waiting for dinner, we checked out the gift shop for a photo op!  Ha!  My boys were being pretty silly.
Andrew has been showing interest in guns lately (this doesn't thrill his mama!) But our little neighbor boys all have them and play with them, plus he loves the movie "A Christmas Story" and I think he has seen the Red Ryder BB gun one too many times!  Ha!
After dinner we headed to the indoor waterpark that was in our hotel section of the resort so we didn't have to go far.  Andrew could hardly wait to get in the water.  This was such a fun place!
Every few minutes the big bucket at the top would dump tons of water out, and Andrew would just wait under it for the water to come!  He loved it!
He first spotted these little water slides...which he enjoyed until he saw this one!
This was so amazing- Craig went up with him because usually he rides with Andrew on the slides (the ones at our local pool).  Well, pretty soon Craig comes down the stairs, WITHOUT Andrew.  I was slightly panicked!  He said they wouldn't let him ride the slide with him... so I said, "You just left him up there by himself!??"  I could have died I was so nervous.
Then, pretty soon down he comes, like this (the picture is blurry, but he is flying down the slide upside down, head first, spinning all over the place!)  I freaked out.  Thank God the lifeguard was right there, because I was pretty sure he was drowning!  Ha!
Do you think that experience stopped him?  No way.  He didn't even cry, didn't shed a single tear, and was raring to go again immediately!  I couldn't believe it.  Craig explained to him how to sit and try to control his body on the way down, and from then on, he figured it out and never stopped all night!
He rode it over and over and over again, and never wanted to stop.  He had a blast!
Here he is coming down from a different angle.  I was so proud of him and how brave he was.  Lots of kids would have freaked out and cried and never wanted to ride the slide again.  I am so proud of his persistence and determination.  He has always been that way, and I hope he always stays that way.  I just love that about him.
After all the waterslide fun, he met up with Landon and they jumped in the pool together, over and over again!
Getting ready for take off!  Ha!
They also had a lazy river, which the boys had a blast riding.
Andrew loved going under all the waterfalls and getting drenched!  I was content following them along with my camera taking pictures!  Ha!
They even had swings in the pool!
The boys were so worn out after a long drive, and a long evening of swimming, but they had a great time and couldn't wait to go again the next day!  They don't look real tired here, do they?  Ha!  I think it was past 10:00, and once their heads hit the pillow, they were out!

I'll post our Day 2 of fun soon!  Just wanted to update everyone so you don't think I've fallen off the planet or something!  (Or think baby girl decided to arrive early... I got some emails asking if things were okay!  Ha!)  My absence has just been because of a busy, but fun and exciting start to summer!  I just wish I could freeze time and make summer last forever!