
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wisconsin Dells- Part 2

Our second day at the Dells began with the absolute best breakfast I have had in a LONG time!
We went to Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty!  All the food is served family style.  They brought out huge platters of delicious pancakes, potatoes, eggs, sausage, and homemade sugar donuts that were to die for! (And you can't visit without seeing the blue ox!  Ha!)
Daddy and Andrew got matching Ox hats!  I wish I would have taken a picture of the food.  It would make you all hungry!  Trust me!
Our family by the statue of Paul Bunyan.  Do you think this was his real size?
Andrew and Landon
These are our friends, The Grylls'.  We had such a great time spending our vacation with them!
After Paul Bunyan's we headed back to our hotel where you can catch a ride on the famous Wisconsin Ducks!  It is a truck and a boat, and goes in water and on land.  Andrew was fascinated with this.
While we were waiting for our ride, we killed some time in the gift shop again!  My crazy boys had a blast playing with the guns and big hats!
This picture just cracks me up!  He reminds me of Ralphie from my favorite Christmas movie!  Haha!
When it was time to ride the duck boat, we just had a great time.  It was close to an hour long ride!  The boat goes from land and splashes into the water fast!  It was so fun, Andrew loved it!

It was so convenient because the boat just picked us up and dropped us off right outside our hotel!
After our ride we headed to another waterpark within our hotel- this time an outdoor one!  Andrew crawled on this slide so fast that went from one pool to another, and we were hot on his heels when we realized he couldn't touch bottom at the end of the slide!  I was standing on the ledge, freaking out, ready to jump in, screaming at Craig "He can't touch!  He can't touch!"  Craig was right behind him on the slide, and Andrew didn't seem to mind a bit when he hit the water!  This kid has NO FEAR at all!  Luckily daddy caught him and he'd only been underwater for a second.  Again, not scared at all!
This was the neatest lazy river- you could ride up on this conveyor belt to the top and then ride down a waterslide!  This was even one that I got in on (sorry, no pictures of that!  Ha!)
Andrew loved this as well.  Anything water related and slide related, he is all over it!
This picture makes me laugh because it is so good of Andrew and Craig but they are the only ones in the picture under the shadows of the bridge!  Ha!
Andrew got a little nap in the sun!  He was actually just cold- the weather was beautiful, but it wasn't super hot outside, so the water was a little chilly.
All the waterparks had different themes- this one was a dinosaur theme, which Andrew loved.

Coming down another waterslide.  He just couldn't get enough of this!
We had to take a lunch break, so Andrew warmed up in the sun!
I loved these little kiddie sized lawn chairs!  Too cute!
Daddy had to get in on the fun!  Craig is like a big kid at heart- he loves this stuff!  Being a daddy suits him so well!  He was entertaining Landon and Andrew, every time the bucket would drop he would stand under it and act like he was falling down, the boys just laughed and laughed at him.
That night after a great dinner at Monk's (where they serve the kids meals on a frisbee!) we headed to the Big Sky Drive In Theater!  Yes, one still exists!  It was so fun.  When I was a kid we used to go to the drive in every summer at the lake, but then it closed, along with many others.  I'm sure soon they will be a thing of the past, but I was so glad we got to take Andrew to one!
And our van makes a perfect drive in car!  The third row seats flip backwards so you can sit in the back! Love it!  The boys got their jammies on, we got plenty of snacks and everyone curled up and watched Kung Fu Panda 2.  The boys were loving it!
On our last day, we visited another waterpark in our resort, this time an indoor one, since it was pretty chilly outside.  This one also had super fun slides and a neat indoor playground.
Daddy could go with Andrew on these slides, since they were a little bigger. (Thank goodness!)

This is such a funny story.  The boys were all excited because they found this really fun slide where you ride in a raft.  They flew up the stairs as I began to read the sign... "twists and turns, life jackets recommended for kids under 48in, no one with heart conditions, no pregnant women, blah blah blah" that was enough for me!  I am trying to flag them down but with no success.  There went my tiny, shrimpy four year old, with no life jacket on... not to mention a heart condition!  Ahhhhh!  As other people came down, you could hear them screaming from inside the slide.  I was a nervous wreck waiting for them to come down.  Pretty soon they come flying out of the slide, Andrew grinning from ear to ear, asking daddy to do it AGAIN!
I didn't catch a picture of his smile (I was too nervous to do much picture taking!) but trust me, he loved it!  Craig was just cracking up.  My little dare devils!

After another fun morning of swimming, we had to get ready and pack up to head back home.  Before we left we stopped for lunch at this fun place where they serve your meals by train!
The boys could not have been any more excited.  This was right up Andrew's alley!
One of the trains even had bubbles blowing out of it!  It was definitely a unique dining experience!

Andrew was so funny, they would put little toys on the train if there was no food to deliver.  He was again obsessed with this gun!  The kids weren't supposed to touch the train or toys, but Andrew was VERY tempted!  He just would reach out and point to it and say he wanted it!  Ha!  
Daddy found a super cool gas station with a giant dinosaur outside.  Also a big hit with the boys!

And you just can't leave Wisconsin without a giant cheese hat!  Ha!

We had the best time- it was so fun to visit the Dells again, as I hadn't been there in such a long time.  It was definitely a family friendly atmosphere and a great place to go with friends as well.  We enjoyed our last vacation as a family of three!  I must say I am starting to get a little emotional thinking that after 4 1/2 years, Andrew is no longer going to be our only child.  I just can't believe how fast time goes and that he is finally ready to be a big brother.  Our next vacation we'll have baby sister... and we can't wait to make more memories together!