
Thursday, July 21, 2011

welcome home!

When we got home from the hospital we were welcomed with a fun little party that Ga Ga and Andrew put together for us!  
It was so special.  We even had a yummy cake to celebrate Ga Ga and Kerigan's birthday!  Their first of many future celebrations!
Kerigan liked her cake (Ha!) Of course, she won't get to taste it for another year though!
My aunt, uncle and cousins came over to help us celebrate and to meet Kerigan!  Andrew was so excited when they came he actually squealed!  Ha!
Kelsie is like a little mother.  She loved holding Kerigan and helping us with her.  I wish she lived closer we'd hire her to baby sit!
We took Kerigan up to her nursery, and she loved it!  It was so sweet, we put her in her crib and she just cuddled with her bunny and looked so sweet in there!  
She just looked all around at everything, her eyes were so big.  It was just the sweetest thing ever.  I was so happy she loved her room!
She is so funny, she always wants to turn to the side when she's laying in her swing, or even on the floor or in her pack and play.  She loves the swing.  Andrew loved it too- I showed him pictures of himself in it the other day and he thought it was pretty funny that he and Kerigan used the same swing!
She is so good at tummy time!  We noticed right away how strong she is- she really holds her head up well (for a one week old! Ha!)
Getting some love from big brother!
I had forgotten how much babies sleep!  Ha!  Pretty much all she does is eat, sleep and poop!  I think Andrew thinks she's kinda boring!  So when she does have some alert time, I always call him over and tell him she's awake!  He loves it.  
I think a certain little girl loves it too... 
Smile... or gas??
Thanks those of you who commented she looks like me!  We always say Andrew is Craig's "mini me" and now it is my turn to have a mini me!  Ha!  She does totally look like me (and my mom) when we were born.  Same hair, same nose, same everything.  When I can find some time I want to get some pictures scanned and do an update comparing them!
I just had to post this face because I love it so much when she does this.  All babies must do it, but it is too cute.  It's her hungry face!  Don't you just love when babies "root" around and shake their heads and stick their little tongues out at feeding time?  It is just the cutest thing to me!  I always want to remember her doing this (Andrew did it too).

Speaking of feeding... (and please don't report me for this!  Ha!)
This little guy has it all figured out!
I always try to cover up when I am pumping, but one afternoon he came running in the room and asked what I was doing and was overly curious!  Ha!  I'll spare you the details, but I just told him I was making milk for Kerigan.  He seemed to accept this, but then when I caught him playing with it, I thought perhaps I should have locked the door??  Ha!  Oh well, it was worth a laugh anyway.
We've also had lots of visitors at home since Kerigan came home.  This is my brother Tim and sister in law Cindy.  We loved having them come to meet their niece!
Grandpa and Grandma Huegel came over the weekend for a visit.  Kerigan loved all the attention!
Great Grandma Huegel came also, which was very special.  Grandma brought this neat diaper cake from Craig's aunt.  I had never had one before, and I loved that there were little goodies inside!  It was so fun!
Evi and Jayden came over when Grandma and Grandpa were here and Evi loved getting to hold Kerigan again!  That afternoon it was so hot so the kids went to the pool and I got some alone time with my girl, which I loved!  Then when everyone got back we grilled and had a great time with family.
Andrew was kinda naughty when they were here so he had to go to time out!  This is what he did in time out!  Put grandpa and grandma's shoes on his arms and feet!  Ha!  Real effective time out, huh?
We've just been having a great time with our girl... snuggling with her!  I had forgotten how sweet and cuddly babies are, and that they will just sleep on your chest like this for hours!  Oh how I love it. (I realized I need to do a post just about all the things I have forgotten about babies!  Ha!)
She was so cuddly in daddy's arms...
She's had her first bath... and didn't really like it much!
She pooped all over as we were washing her!  Lol.  Why does it seem like this always happens??  Andrew did the same thing!
He was so cute during her bath- she was crying so he figured she needed bath toys!  So he went and unloaded his whole bath bucket on her!  Ha!
My cuddly little duckie after her first bath at home!
And after a bath, there's nothing better than two clean kids cuddling in brother's bed!  I love it!  Kerigan has been coming up to tell Andrew goodnight with us and say prayers.  He loves it!
Kerigan had her first outing to Ga Ga's house...
And she slept the whole time.  Except for when she ate.
Andrew never wants to be far from Ga Ga's side!  And now every time we go there, he thinks he gets to spend the night.  Maybe it is because he suckers my mom into it every time!  She can't say no.  Needless to say, this night ended with a car trip home without Andrew!  Ha!
So the next day we met at Great Grandma Tootie's (my grandma) so we could pick him up!  And it was a perfect time for Kerigan to meet her other Great Grandma (she has 3!  Which we think is pretty special).

My sweet girl... oh how we love having her home.  I can't help but think back to Andrew's first 5 weeks in the NICU.  Oh how we wanted to be home with him.  This has been pure bliss.  We are enjoying every minute (maybe not the middle of the night feedings so much, but we are still grateful!)  And I actually do enjoy that quiet time with my girl, despite how tired I am.  We do feel like first time parents, because this experience has been so wonderfully different.  I just cannot get enough of her, I love her soooo much.  She is my dream come true.