
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cath has begun

We got to Iowa City last night and had a great time at the hotel. We went out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then went swimming. After swimming, Ga Ga and Papa took Andrew out to IHOP for another meal! Ha! We wanted to stuff him so he wouldn't be hungry this morning. Poor thing. Since he was second case today, we had to wait for another cath to be done before they took him back. He only asked to eat about 3 times, and he handled it okay when we told him no. He also handled it well when they rolled the food cart in the waiting room and another kid started eating a cookie right in front of him. Yeah, I wasn't too happy about that!

He was very uneasy about coming to the hospital. He remembered being here for his surgery. He cried in anticipation of everything, before they drew labs, and before he went in the cath lab. The sweetest thing of the day was when he begged Ga Ga to go in with him while they put him under (Ga Ga didn't think she could handle it, so he settled for mommy!) so he just gave Ga Ga a big hug and said "I'll be back..." in the saddest little voice. Then he just burst into tears when we took him into the lab. He didn't fight the mask too much, mainly because they let him hold it himself, which he liked. They asked him how it smelled, and the trick worked like a charm! Ha! He put it right up to his face and we all just talked to him and his big eyes looked up at me. I know he didn't want to be there. He had asked to go home several times. I told him the doctors were going to make him sleep for a while and he said "No, let's just go home and sleep, okay mama?" Oh how I wish...

We've gotten a few updates, they have begun to balloon the left pulmonary artery. We are praying that it stays open so a stent won't be needed. Will keep you updated as we get more news.
Thanks for all the prayers! We can feel them.