
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

doctor andrew

My best friend Alissa came over last night and brought Andrew this doctor dress up outfit.  He LOVED it!  (Alissa was practicing by feeding Kerigan for me because she'll be having her sweet baby boy very soon!)  Anyway... Andrew put the gear on and brought us all to his "office" for our doctor appointment.  He got out his doctor's kit and listened to our hearts, looked in our ear, made us say "Ahhhhh," and then gave us a shot.

Oh, how I wish it was just that simple.
We'll be heading to Iowa City this afternoon.  I told Andrew this morning about his upcoming stay at the hospital.  He didn't seem very thrilled about it, which I can't blame him.  Although he forgot all about the hospital when I told him about the hotel with the swimming pool and slide we'll be staying at tonight.  I also promised him a new movie or two! I assured him he wasn't getting another "owie" (where his scar is), but that doctors were going to fix his heart in another way.  It is so hard to explain to a four year old the concept of heart defects.  All we can tell him is that his heart is very special. 

He just has no idea how very special it is.

Andrew is second case tomorrow.  This means we don't have to rush around in the morning (there's another cath before his), but it also means that Andrew can't eat anything for a loooong time.  I'm not sure how we're going to hold him off that long.  Another hard thing to have to explain to a child.
These were my cuddle bugs this morning.
We stayed in bed together for a long time.
The next couple days I'll just be dreaming about doing this again soon. 
Very soon.

Thanks for all your prayers.  I'll be updating next from Iowa City in the morning once they get started!