
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

lake weekend {part 1}

We had a great last weekend at the lake over Labor Day.  I feel like we were just putting the boat in over Memorial Day and now it is already time to take it out.  The summer always flies by, but it completely flew by this year due to a certain little girl that was born smack dab in the middle of it!  We didn't get to the lake much this year, but I am thinking next summer we'll make up for it!
Anyway, the lake was pretty choppy on Sunday so we spent the day just hanging out downtown and had a great time shopping, playing by the beach and walking along the lake.  This is our special bench where Craig proposed to me.  We always take pictures by it on special occasions.  I thought a family photo on the bench was a must!

It has changed colors over the years, but it's still the same bench where the love began!  Ha!  This was Craig and I right after we got engaged (don't we look young and skinny!  HA!)  And on the right is us the night before our wedding.

I think it is pretty amazing that we can now sit at our special bench with our kids.  I would have never dreamed that someday we would be blessed enough to have a son and daughter to bring here with us.

Andrew was obsessed with these acorns that he found while he was playing at the park.  The only way to get him away from the park was to take them with me in my pocket!  He spread them all out on the bench and kept counting them!
Kerigan's first trip to the lake!  She loved it!  She's a lake girl already!
She's enjoying the cool fall breeze with Papa.
With Ga Ga and Papa at the seawall.
It was so special bringing my daughter to the place that I grew up and love so much.  Clear Lake holds countless memories for me, and I started coming to the lake when I was about 9 months old.  I am beyond blessed to get to share our love of the lake with my kids.  I am so happy that they love it so much!
Playing at the park by the beach... (Andrew was making faces through the holes!)
Usually Andrew loves to play in this fountain over the 4th of July, and he thought this weekend would be no different!  Ha!  It was super chilly outside- a perfect "fall" day.  I had to literally keep him from running straight into the water!  I was a little nervous he was going to when I took this picture!  Ha!

After spending some time downtown, we headed out for lunch at one of our favorite spots- the Barrell Drive In.  It is one of those neat old places where you actually still order from your table by phone!  Andrew is always fascinated by this.  We have to hold the reciever down because he picks the phone up constantly and says "say hello?"  It is pretty funny.  I'm sure the staff listening to the buzzer go off the entire time we are there are thrilled too.  Ha!
After lunch we headed to check in to our hotel.  We got a bigger room this time that is a suite so they have a separate smaller room attached to the big room so Kerigan waking up in the night wouldn't wake up everyone!  It worked out perfectly for all of us to stay.
I think the hotel is pretty much Andrew's favorite thing!  He loves jumping on the beds and singing "Five Little Monkeys!"

He loves snuggling in bed with his sister too!  If he had his way, he would sleep with her every night!
We bring her into his bed when we say prayers and tuck him in and he always wants her to stay.  It is so sweet. I'm sure someday these two will sneak and play lots of tricks on this mama!
Of course we had to spend a little time swimming in the pool!  I think this might be why Andrew loves the hotel so much!  He loved it when Papa, Ga Ga and Daddy threw him up in the air back and forth.  He kept saying "again! again!"
This little bathing beauty hung out with mama in the pool trying not to get splashed by big brother!  But when she did get splashed, she didn't seem to mind!  I think she's a water lover already!  She is my daughter, after all!
She got passed around quite a bit- she was loving her first time in the pool!
Proof that I was there and I did get in the water!  See, I don't spend the entire time taking pictures!  (Just most of it!  Ha!)
Just some more sweet pictures of my girl.  She has some silly faces!  The one on the right is her "big girl" face that she makes when she gets praised for holding her head up and pushing her legs up like she's standing.  It's like she's really concentrating hard!  Ha!
Those chubby legs crack me up!  I am so not used to having a chubby baby, I love it!  I just hope she's not bigger than her brother in a few years!  Ha!

More to come on our Labor Day fun!!