
Saturday, September 3, 2011

a trip up north

Last weekend we made a trip to Minneapolis with my mom and Jim.  We needed to go to IKEA (LOVE that place!) to pick up some bookshelves for our family room since we finally got a new TV (ours was seriously outdated- the big box on the back, not a widescreen so our shows were getting cut off on the sides!!)  Anyway, we got one that hangs above our fireplace now and I needed some storage in that room (especially now with another child!  The toys are getting out of control!)
So of course we checked out the Mall of America which is conveniently right across the street from IKEA! 
The princess was very good- she is a good traveler so far!  She pretty much just still sleeps!  I don't even think she knew we left the house!  Ha!  My old roomate sent me her bib, which I think is the funniest thing ever- "Star of mommy's blog"  Ha!  Isn't that the truth!??
Daddy took Andrew on lots of rides while the rest of us hit IKEA.  We figured they wouldn't have much fun shopping with us!  Ha!  (Not to mention I didn't really want Craig coming to that place with me!  He's kind of a "get-what-we're-here-for-and-get-out-as-fast-as-we-can" kind of shopper!)
So I didn't get any pictures of them on the rides because I was doing some serious shopping!  I have to admit, it was kinda hard for me not to tag along and be the photographer!  I always love watching Andrew have fun and go on rides.  He loves it so much!  But I thought I could manage... I mean, I was at IKEA!  Didn't have to twist my arm too much!
Don't turn me in for this... but it was too funny.  So Andrew was instantly being naughty the second we pulled in the MOA parking lot.  He wanted to run right in and do his own thing (find the rides and leave us in the dust!)  It became clear early on that we desperately need a double stroller, mainly to confine him!  Ha!  So, I did come quick thinking and came up with a double stroller out of what we already owned!! (The sad part is that he actually fit under the car seat!)  Andrew thought it was actually quite funny, thank goodness.  We did get a few looks from several people, but I think most of them were smiling because they understood the dilemma!  We actually ended up carrying Kerigan's carseat through the mall and strapping Andrew in the stroller!  We had quite a time.

After our day of shopping, we were thrilled to head to Jack and Brooke's house!  Andrew could hardly wait to see his cousins.  He talks about them all the time and he always says he wishes they didn't live so far away.  It was their first time meeting Kerigan, and Brooke was so excited to hold her.
This photo sequence cracks me up- usually I just pick the best photo to post, but my daughter is screaming in all of them, and it is just funny to see the kids and how they change in each picture...
Not sure if Andrew is pretending he is actually Superman here or what (and please note Kerigan's headband is just starting to slip over her eyes!)
And now she's just totally irritated with the whole photo shoot (Andrew is still Superman).  Sometimes, you just have to take what you can get!  Ha!
Kerigan with her auntie Darlene
This was so cute- Uncle Keith took the kids out on a ride.  He was in front on his bike, Andrew drove Jack's jeep and Jack was trailing on his bike.  They had a good time, and Andrew just loves being with them!

Saying goodbye is always so hard (Andrew cried!)
Of course I had to do a quick photo shoot with my little "dolly" in her pretty outfit she wore for her first trip to Minneapolis!  I just think she looks like a little baby doll in this picture.
This outfit was Lilly's, and it is just my absolute favorite!

We had a great time!  And the family room is coming together with a new look!  I'll post pictures when it is all finished.  I am now getting excited to get my fall decorations out and start decorating the house!  Love this time of year!

We are headed to the lake for Labor Day weekend!  I hope all of you have a great holiday weekend!