
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's the great pumpkin!

We had a super busy weekend last weekend, getting all ready for Halloween!  I have been so excited to dress the kids up this year.  Kerigan got a little head start!  This is her special Halloween outfit, it's not exactly her costume, but I figured it almost could be!  She looks sooooo cute in it!

I love her little bow with the kitty in the middle.  A cat is kind of her "thing" this Halloween.  It just sort of happened, I found this cute outfit, and her Halloween costume, then this bow sort of fell in my lap so I couldn't resist!
I had a real black cat named Sami when I was growing up.  I loved her so much.  So I am kind of enjoying the cat thing with Kerigan!  It's fun!
On Saturday we went to Bass Pro Shops because they were having their "It's the Great Pumpkin" event.  They had Peanuts characters set up in this "pumpkin patch" and were doing photos!

Bass Pro Shops is such a fun place!  We are not into outdoors-y stuff or hunting at all, but it is still fun to go there and see everything!
Andrew is very rarely scared of anything.  But he would not go stand by this bear and say cheese for me!  Ha!  So daddy had to go with him!
They have the neatest bowling alley there!  It is like you are underwater and there are sharks and crocodiles where the bowling balls come out and it all glows in the dark!  Andrew thinks he wants to have his birthday party here!
Daddy and Andrew played pool...
Did some shooting...
and played some video games!
Andrew liked crashing the car and Craig was really thrilled, as you can tell!  Craig is really serious about these things!  Ha!

After our fun time at Bass Pro, we headed over to Uncle Jason and Aunt Rachel's house for their annual pumpkin carving party.
It was a gorgeous evening.  We ordered pizza and had apples with carmel dip and delicious pumpkin bars! 
Andrew wasn't too thrilled about digging out the guts.  I thought he might like it more this year, but he still doesn't!  It's times like these I really know that he may look exactly like his daddy, but he certainly takes after his mama!  He doesn't want to be "messy"!  Ha!
Daddy scraped the sides so Andrew could dig out the guts!
Andrew also helped daddy do a pumpkin for Kerigan!
She wasn't that excited about it!  Ha!
I love this one of him trying to swing the pumpkin goo off his hands!  Ha!
As usual, the adults end up doing all the carving while the kids play!  Ha!  They pick out the designs but we do all the work!  This year I even had to get in on it since we have 2 kids now!  I carved a cat for Kerigan!
Aren't they neat?  I love the McQueen one!  Craig did the Scooby Doo for Andrew.  I was just happy I didn't have to carve Cinderella!  Ha!  I'm sure next year my daughter will want something super complicated so I was happy to pick a simple cat for now!
Andrew has always been into skeletons.  Ever since the movie "Elmo Says Boo" and sings the song "bones bones bones bones... bones inside of you!" So he finally outgrew his skeleton pj's that he's been able to wear the past 2 years!  I got him some new ones that should last a couple more!  And of course I had to get Kerigan her own too!  Ha!

Andrew was so thrilled that Kerigan had some too!  I think she was a little scared though! Ha!
My best friend Alissa had her baby boy, Jack, on Monday! (I know, she doesn't look like she just had a baby, does she??  So jealous!)  I was so excited to get to meet him and snuggle him!  He was so tiny!  Way smaller than Kerigan ever was!  She seems huge to me compared to this sweet little guy.  I am already missing that newborn stage!  Ha!
I just took this picture of them the other night and thought it was so cute.  Andrew crawled up in her crib with her and they were cuddling!  Andrew thought it was so fun!  He didn't want to get out!
Just another one of my sweet girl who is growing up way too fast!  This is already a 6-9 month outfit!  Slow down baby girl!
We're so excited about "Hallo-week" this week!  Friday is Night Eyes at the zoo, and Sunday is trick or treat!  Can't wait!  I just love this time of year! (And the second it's over... the Christmas tree is going up! Gotta get it done before I go back to work!  Ha!)