
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

christmas countdown begins!

On Friday we headed to an early Christmas Eve service at church and then to my mom's to get a jump start on the festivities!  My mom cooked a delicious meal- chicken noodle soup!  The plan was for the adults to open presents after the kids were in bed, and the kids do theirs in the morning.  But when Andrew saw all the presents, that plan was quickly thrown out the window!  Ha!
My mom's pretty tree.  Andrew's favorite thing is the train that goes around it!
Kerigan had fun with her Papa!
She just loves him! (Both our kids do!)
I love these of Andrew laughing... he was cracking up because Kerigan kept grabbing his face!
Ga Ga gave in and let Andrew open a couple of things before bed.  He was just going crazy he was so excited.
This was a favorite gift- a Cars 2 storage case with a built in ramp!  Perfect for when we travel!
Our little miss is getting ready to crawl!
Andrew gave Papa a new ISU coffee mug!
Aren't you loving these cheesy smiles?  This is his new thing when I bust out the camera!  Ha!  He was eating sugar cookies as a snack before bed!
Daddy and Kerigan didn't last long before they were sound asleep!  Ha!

When everyone woke up in the morning, Andrew wasn't letting much time go by before he wanted to dig in to the rest of the presents!
Kerigan was so sweet with her presents- she pulled on the bows and tore some paper!  Then promptly put it in her mouth!  Ha!
And her big news for Christmas is....she's sitting up!  Pretty much independently now.
This worked perfect for pictures!
Andrew was so thrilled with his big present from Ga Ga!  The Batcave!  He kept yelling it over and over once he saw what it was.
He was so funny, he got so he'd immediately open something and then pose by it and say CHEESE!  Ha!  I guess he figured out I wanted to take his picture with every gift!  Ha!
He loved his Puss n Boots... and I love Kerigan in the background!  Ha!

Here she is trying to pull her bottom off the floor!  She's going to get it any day now- she's so close!
Blowing raspberries!
This was Kerigan's big gift from Ga Ga and Papa!  A jumperoo!
She was even excited about seeing it on the box!  This is her favorite toy at day care- she jumps her little heart out!  Ga Ga thought she had to have one of her own.
Daddy, get that out of the box so I can start jumping!  Ha!
Here she is...happy girl!
We took a break to have a delicious breakfast with Papa's pancakes!
Then more opening... Andrew loves ornaments so much!  He has a special tree I have for him in our family room where he can decorate and hang the ornaments himself.  He just loves it.  He couldn't wait to put Puss n Boots on the tree.  In fact, it was the first thing he mentioned when we got home, after all the gifts he opened.
Kerigan and her sweet stocking from Ga Ga

More Batman accessories!
It was a Superhero Christmas at Papa and Ga Ga's!  Now we're on to Spiderman (Papa's gifts)!
He is in love with this remote control Spiderman four wheeler!

We had so much fun celebrating with Papa and Ga Ga!  We hung out with them all day and just had the best time.  That night we got ready for Christmas Eve at my brother's... more to come soon!