
Friday, December 30, 2011

christmas eve

Merry Christmas!  

The countdown continued on Christmas Eve when we went to my brother and sister in law's house to celebrate with them and my niece and nephew.  My nephew has a little girl who is 9 months old.
We could not get Kerigan and Lucy to sit still and both look at the camera at the same time!  Ha!  This is the best we could do.  They both looked so pretty in their Christmas dresses!
Kerigan with my niece Mary who was back from New York for Christmas!  We were all thrilled to see her and have her join us for Christmas Eve.
This is Mary with Kerigan and my nephew's wife, Jenny with Lucy.  Sweet girls!
Andrew loved Uncle Tim's new drum set!
He just banged on them so hard and thought it was the greatest thing ever!  We won't be getting one of these anytime soon!  Ha!
Me and my beautiful little girl
Kerigan and Ga Ga
Andrew was cracking me up with this silly toy!  Have you seen these sing a majig's?  They are hilarious!  You push their tummy and they make weird noises
Andrew just laughed and laughed!
He also got a fireman dress up outfit, which he loved!  He was pretending to drive the truck!
This was so funny- my neice posted this on Facebook with the heading:  Craig's or Andrew's toy?  Ha!
I think this is why Kerigan is such a laid back baby.  Her brother put the fireman hat on her and she just went with it!  Ha!
This position cracked me up!  She crashed on daddy's lap- real lady like Kerigan!  Ha!

After a wonderful celebration, we headed back to our house to get ready for Santa, and to say goodbye to Buddy the Elf.
When Andrew moved Santa to the "24" he found his reindeer food in the pocket!
Time to go sprinkle it on the lawn!
Doesn't it just look weird to sprinkle reindeer food on the grass, not on the snow?  It wasn't quite the same, but Andrew didn't seem to care!
He picked out special cookies to leave for Santa...

And we read "The Night Before Christmas" before bed...
Buddy was right on top of the mantle, waiting for Santa to come down the chimney.  Andrew looked up at him and told him goodbye.  It was so sweet.  I was a little sad to send Buddy back to the basement Santa.  It was so fun seeing the mischief he'd get into every night!  But he'll be back next year for more fun!

Andrew went right to sleep, talking all about Santa.  We looked up in the sky when we sprinkled the reindeer food but didn't see any sign of him yet.  He wanted to look up on the roof at the chimney (which is very small!) and asked where the reindeer were going to go (our roof is slanted).  I explained that they are magic, and they would pull Santa's sleigh right up on the roof and that the small chimney would get big enough for Santa to fit through.  He just looked completely amazed.  After he was in bed, I commented to Craig that this was just about the most fun age Andrew has been at Christmastime so far.  There is just nothing like seeing the wonder on his face.  I love how he doesn't question... he just believes.  Children just add so much fun and excitement to the holidays.  They are a good reminder for us of what Christmas is all about.  I already can't wait til next year!

More to come from Christmas morning!!