
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

daddy's birthday

We had so much fun preparing for daddy's birthday celebration this year.  Andrew is at the age where he just loves when it is someone's birthday.  He loves making the cake, buying and giving the presents, everything.  It is so sweet.
I always try to involve him in the planning and preparation for birthdays.  I'm so happy he enjoys celebrating all birthdays, not just his own!
I asked Craig if he could have any kind of dessert, what would he want.  He picked a jello poke cake, so I found this one for St. Patty's Day!  It was soooo delicious!
This sweet little girl just loves her daddy.  She is a mama's girl, but when daddy gets home, she always reaches for him.  In the mornings, she knows he is the one to get her dressed and feed her.  It is their special time together.  The other morning I was helping Craig since he had a meeting and I was dressing her and she kept looking at me and saying "Da da da da da da" like she wondered where he was.  It was so precious.
She loves it when daddy does this!  We get lots of giggles and smiles!
My three favorite people in the whole wide world...

Andrew was so sweet- in the morning before daddy left for work he sang happy birthday to him!  Then when I went to pick him up the first thing he said was "we get to have a party now!"  Even just hanging out with our little family, celebrating daddy's birthday is a party to him.  I love that about him.  He sang to Craig again when he got home.  We grilled steaks and immediately after dinner Andrew was begging to open daddy's presents with him, he kept saying "I can help!"  I think he loves all birthdays because he still gets the benefits- opening presents, eating cake, etc.  Ha!
Andrew was so excited to write on daddy's card and help me pick out and wrap his presents.  
*In the next few pictures, try to ignore Craig's pizza PJ pants.  These are his trademark lounge pants.  He pretty much lives in them.  I do think he'd wear them out to the store or somewhere if I'd let him!  Ha!  I asked him if he was sure he wanted to wear them in all the pictures because I was posting them on the blog.  As you can see... he could care less!  That's Craig!  Ha!  Comfort takes priority.  Gotta love him.
This was just precious.  We were at the store to pick out some things and Andrew picked this game because he and daddy love to play games together.  He could not wait to give it to him.
Of course they had to play it right away!  Ha!
He was so proud of the drawings he did on daddy's presents.  When we were working on it he goes, "Daddy's gonna LOVE this!"  This is his name and daddy's name and on the top right is a picture of a lion!  Ha!  So cute.
Little miss is into everything.  She sees things and just makes a beeline for whatever she can get her hands on.  I literally go along behind her and am constantly grabbing things out of her hands (which makes her super mad!)  Ha!  She loved all the paper from the presents!
Andrew also picked out an Iowa State football for him and daddy to play with outside.
We were just visiting and hanging out and I look over and my little girl is tackling the football!  Ha!
Please tell me this doesn't mean she's going to be a sports fan and not a girly girl!  I need my shopping partner!!
She loves grabbing our faces.  She just squeals and giggles- it's so funny.
36 years... and 8 months... on the same day!
Singing to daddy... it was so funny because I had no clue that these were trick candles.  They'd blow them out and then they'd keep lighting back up.  I was freaking out and Andrew was cracking up!  He was just screaming with excitement and laughing at the chaos of Craig and I scrambling to get them out of the cake and in water without burning ourselves or burning the house down!  It was pretty darn funny.  We all had a good laugh after that!

Andrew pretty much summed up the evening when he said, "I LOVE daddy's birthday!"

Craig was super thrilled the season finale of the Bachelor was on and we got to watch it after the kids went to bed!  Ha!  Just another Monday night addiction.  He won't admit he secretly likes it.  It was a great night.  We are looking forward to spring break next week!  Mine has already started and Craig's starts Friday. I am loving it!  Andrew keeps saying "Is it time for a lot of stay home days??"  
Yes, yes it is.
For me, there's just nothing that tops this togetherness!