
Friday, March 23, 2012

spring break kickoff!

Spring break was so much fun this year!  I can't believe it is actually almost over and I'm just now getting around to blogging about it.  It has been jam packed with a mini vacation, seeing friends and getting lots of home projects and spring cleaning done!  

My break started last Thursday, when my good friend from high school, Lisa, was in town with her mom and her two boys.  Lisa now lives in Arizona, so we rarely get to see each other.  The last time we saw each other was two years ago when we introduced these two...
Andrew loved playing with Javi.  They are both train lovers so Andrew showed him his newly put together geotrax in the basement.
We could barely get them to sit still long enough for a picture, and Andrew was being all silly again!
The only really good one I got was this one, as they were laughing and attempting to escape up the stairs!  Busy boys!

We also had two more to introduce this time...
Kerigan and Sidney are super close in age.  Sidney is actually 11 months old and she is 8 months!  Look how huge she is compared to him!  Ha!  He is really little for his age.  
Look!  She's sharing!  Ha!
Future boyfriend?  Maybe, but Kerigan you are NOT allowed to move to Arizona!!  Ha!
Super cute!
The kids all played so well together!  It is so neat to still be friends with someone from high school, where we dated boys, had fun at dances and just had fun together, and now to see our kids playing together.  What fun!
Kerigan is blurry because she was moving and she did not want to sit still, so this is the best we could do!  And the big boys would not come sit for a picture!  Ha!
Kerigan smiling at Lisa!
Daddy's break began on Friday, so we headed out early to Kansas City!  My mom and Jim were coming in off the train (from Arizona!) so we drove there to meet them for the weekend.
Pretty much the minute we got to the hotel, all Andrew wanted to do was swim!  We barely had time to grab lunch before he was off to the pool!
The kids had fun swimming with Ga Ga, Papa and daddy!
Andrew was never still for one second so all the pictures of him are blurry!  But he just had the time of his life!  It had been a while since he had been swimming, so he just jumped right back in and remembered how much he loved it!
Little Miss didn't enjoy it as much as brother... she just wanted to cuddle up with daddy and keep warm!
After swimming we all went back to the room and showered and got ready to go out that evening.  But we actually all fell asleep for a nap first!  Ha!  We were all tired from our travels!
Apparently, while we were sleeping, Andrew decided to get up before the rest of us and do a little artwork...
Yes, on the hotel bedding.  Nice.
I actually thought his people were pretty good.  I told him I wish he'd have drawn it on paper so mommy could take it home!
I had to chuckle (behind closed doors of course!) at the fact that he did this while the rest of us were all oblivious.  Evidently, even at age 5, you still can't take your eyes off him for one second!  We certainly scolded him for it, and made him sit in time out.  And we went down and made him tell the lady at the desk what he did and apologize.  He cried the whole time, so I think his lesson was learned!  He knows now he better only draw on paper from now on!  Ha!  What a stinker.
Big girl sat in her big girl car seat for our road trip and she loved it.  She just smiled and kicked her legs when we put her in it.  She slept almost the whole way there and back, too!  I'd call that a success!  
We headed out that evening to this neat outdoor shopping area called Legends.
This was the highlight of the trip for Andrew!  The T-Rex Cafe, which is just like the Rainforest Cafe, only it is all dinosaurs!
He was so thrilled!  He could not stop looking at the dinosaurs!
After we ordered our dinner we took a walk and looked at everything.  He made me stop at each dinosaur and take his picture!  I had to laugh, he's just like his mommy!  Ha!
He especially loved the wooly mammoths in the Ice Age!
A view from above of just part of the restaurant.
Andrew wasn't too sure about this T-Rex!  He was fine with it when it was towering over him, but this was just a little too close for comfort!  Ha!
Ga Ga and Kerigan down below at our table!
This cracks me up.  After dinner we walked around to the shops.  Even though we had a double stroller, these two sat right by each other in the back!  Ha!
We had to laugh because Papa and Andrew both skinned their knees!  Andrew was so sympathetic to Papa and felt so bad for him!  It was so cute.  They were pointing at their owies, which we fixed up before bedtime!
Andrew slept amazingly well in his little roll-a-way bed with his little treasures from the T-Rex Cafe!  He just loves staying in hotels.  All night he kept asking if we were going back to the hotel yet.  He could have stayed there the whole weekend and been perfectly happy.

We were off the next day for more fun!  Another post coming soon...