
Monday, March 26, 2012

spring break continued...

The spring break fun continued at the Kansas City Zoo the next morning!  We had a yummy breakfast at the hotel and then another quick swim before Papa and Ga Ga headed back home and we settled in for one more day and night in KC!
Andrew was having fun posing on all the animal statues!  It was funny, I told him to put his hands up by his chin in the picture with the polar bear and then he did it for several other pictures throughout the day! Ha!
Like here!  Ha!  He is funny.  We were waiting to ride the train.
My sweeties on the train.  They both loved it (can you tell?!)
He just looks like such a big boy to me!
This was the first thing we saw on the train ride!  Ha!  The first animals we saw... nice.
This is how she looks at her daddy all the time.  Literally.  She's in love (and he is too!)
More smiles for daddy while riding the tram to "Africa."
Just couldn't resist this face!
Andrew and daddy checking out the gorillas...
The zoo was set up really neat- there was a walking path that made a circle and took you right past all the animals.  You had to walk over shaky bridges (like this one), and dirt paths, just like you were really in Africa!
This lioness was sleeping right next to the glass.  When Andrew walked up there and sat by her, she popped her head up and looked straight at him!  He jumped back so fast!  It was so funny.  I think he thought she was going to jump out and get him!
This story cracked me up- so there's this huge lizard and Andrew says "what's this called?"  Daddy read the sign that said "Monitor Lizard" (I would have just told him it was a really big lizard!  But daddy has to get technical!  Ha!)  So he turned back around and stared at it, then he says, "NOW the Wonder Pets SAVE the monitor lizard!"  I seriously laughed out loud.  The kid is obsessed with animals and the Wonder Pets.  He is always pretending to have them save different animals and he plays like that at home all the time.  I just wondered what made him think of it right then!  Ha!
My little zookeeper, checking out our next adventure!  He was very serious.
I got to ride the Sky Safari with my little man while daddy stayed back with Kerigan.  It was so fun.  He is just so cute these days and says the funniest things.  He talks our legs off!  I think he chatted with me the whole ride.  I loved every minute.
My date. :)
It was neat to get a different view of the animals from the sky!
We had a great time at the zoo.  Andrew just loves anything having to do with animals.  We actually didn't tell him where we were going so it was a surprise, and he loved it when he found out we were at the zoo!

After a day at the zoo we were all hungry so we headed to Crown Center and had dinner at another one of Andrew's top favorite restaurants...
It was called Fritz's.  You actually order your food on the phone and a train delivers it to your table!
Can you tell how excited he was?  Ha!  
The train drops it off and then it comes down on this little elevator.
Little Miss watching the action in her high chair for the first time!  She loves being up at the table with us and out of the infant seat!
Silly boys!
A hat for Kerigan (much too big!  Ha!)
We loved Fritz's!
We loved walking around Crown Center Plaza.  It was just a beautiful night and there were lots of lights and fountains all lit up.  Just awesome!
We called it a night and headed back to the hotel to watch the Cyclone basketball game!
The next morning we had another great breakfast and daddy and Andrew went swimming again while I packed up the room with Kerigan (well, she slept!  Ha!)  Then we headed to Crown Center one more time before leaving town since the exhibit we wanted to see was closed the night before.
We grabbed lunch at the Crayola Cafe!  Andrew was proud of his artwork!
Crayon wheel!  So cool!
Love those teeth!
They had the neatest exhibit called Animal Tales and Trails.
It was an interactive exhibit with a variety of animal habitats where the kids could actually hide in a bear cave, jump on a trampoline (like a kangaroo), step on a crocodile's back...
Slide like a penguin...
Swing like a monkey...
and sit in an Eagle's nest!
The kids even rode a camel!
I was busy watching Andrew (and trying not to lose him in the chaos!) and I looked over and saw this... It made my heart melt and I'm SO glad I captured this picture without either of them noticing!  So precious.

We decided Kansas City is at the top of our "mini vacation" lists!  It is close to home (Sort of!  A 3 hour drive isn't too bad!) and there are so many neat and fun things for families and kids.  We couldn't believe we hadn't gone before!  I had been there as a kid and Craig and I were there one year before we were married when we flew out of KC to Las Vegas, but other than that, we had never really explored it.  We will definitely be going back!  They are building an aquarium and Legoland at Crown Center and the animal exhibit is being replaced by dinosaurs this summer!  I think I see another mini vacation in our future!