
Monday, May 28, 2012

mother's day weekend

I figured I'd better get my Mother's Day update done before June!  I am getting so behind!  But after this week, school will be over and I'll be able to enjoy my summer home with my kids and have plenty of time to blog (well, when I'm not playing with the kids!)  I can't wait!
Andrew's day care had it's annual Mother's Day brunch before the weekend began.  
Usually every year this is the Friday before and my mom and I take our personal days from work to be with Andrew and do special things, but this year his Graduation was that Friday so I couldn't take both days off.  I think he thought he was not going to be staying at school!  When I went to tell him goodbye he got all sad and said "Why are you leaving me here?"  Broke my heart!  I had to remind him we would be together the whole next day for his graduation.
He had made this for me and gave it to me the morning of the Mother's Day brunch.  It is his sweet little hand with a heart inside.
This poem came with it.  Handmade things are the most special, because they are made with love.  This meant the world to me, and Andrew was so proud giving it to me.  It just made me cry!  
That weekend we worked on a little project for Ga Ga I found on pinterest.
Yes, I decided to only try to pin things I plan to do!  Otherwise it is way too overwhelming!
But this was a fun idea I thought was do-able, and it turned out even better than the one on pinterest!
I bought a pot at Micheals and had the kids stamp their handprints and sign their names next to it.  It made it more special (the one shown just had it in a box made from popsicle sticks too).  I think this was easier, and cuter!
Before heading to my mom's on Mother's Day we went to a special birthday party for a 1 year old little boy!  This is Harrison, Kerigan's first boyfriend.  His mama, Andrea, and I have become great friends working together at school.  She teaches 5th grade and I teach 4th.  We were trying to get pregnant at the same time with these two.  She beat me by 2 months!  Ha!  It was fun being pregnant together.  We were always calling each other with questions and stories!  
This cracks me up!  My daughter grabbing this toy that isn't even hers!  Ha!  She's already trying to walk all over the boys!
We headed to my mom's after the party and had a special grill out!  We were eating cheese and crackers and Andrew likes me to spell letters on his crackers with squeeze cheese!  Ha!  It's a good way to learn letters!
First Mother's Day with her granddaughter
Eating on my mom's patio is my all time favorite thing.  I love when the weather is nice enough that we can do this.  Papa grilled the best steaks and daddy cleaned up!  A perfect day with all of my favorite people.  It doesn't get much better!
My sweet little man with a messy face!  That is so typical of him!
3 Generations
Kerigan had fun with Papa!  He was bouncing her up and down and she was giggling!
My precious babies... they are what life is all about!