
Thursday, May 31, 2012

spring sing

Andrew had his other Preschool spring program and graduation a couple of weeks ago.  This is his school through our local district that he was bused to four afternoons a week because of his IEP.  We loved this school so much, and he had one of the best teachers I've ever known.  He just learned so much, we were so grateful that he got to attend this school since he was 3.
They had a spring concert that was really cute.
Andrew was cracking me up with all the motions and songs!  He did such a good job!
This was a silly song that got all the kids giggling!
After the singing they put on their hats they had made and they got their names called for their diplomas.  What is the fascination with looking through the diploma like this?  Ha!
This was his little preschool class.  A great group of kids!  I love how the little girl next to him in the purple dress has her arm around him!  Too cute!  All the girls always love Andrew!

This is his best buddy, Nicholas.  These two have been friends for two years.  Nicholas' dad told me that Andrew was his first friend and that he talks about Andrew all the time.  He sent Andrew a video message when Andrew had his surgery.  He is such a sweet little guy!
These three are best pals- Andrew, Payton and Nicholas
This is Miss Erin.  I cannot say enough about her.  I almost wanted to cry on his last day because I love her so much and I will miss her!  Ha!  She is the most creative person and an amazing teacher.  The little projects she has the kids do are so awesome.  Andrew has learned so much from her, and we are so grateful.  She has done a lot for him!  She is very structured, which Andrew craves.  He learned about "school" from her.  What school is all about and how important it is.  He knows how to behave and he respects Miss Erin so much.  I can only pray that because of her example, he will always feel this way about his teachers and school.
As a last day summer "treat" we gave Miss Erin this little idea I got from Pinterest.  It says "thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge" and it is filled with mini crystal light packets and a gift card to Starbucks.  I printed off the picture and put it on a notecard to write her a thank you note.  Thank you notes really mean the most to teachers!

School is officially over.  It is the official start to summer.  I can't believe it, but it is finally here!  Tomorrow I will be moving boxes out of my school building because I have accepted a 3rd grade position at a different school within my same district.  I was ready for a change, and I am so excited for this new opportunity.  I have wanted to teach 3rd grade for as long as I can remember.  I just know I'm going to love it!

Here's to a summer full of fun and memory-making!!