
Sunday, June 10, 2012

phone dump

Since I've had my iPhone, I have a new love for taking pictures with my phone.  It does such a great job, although of course my big camera does much better, but this is a great substitute for times when I don't want to lug that around, or when I forget it!

So, just some fun random things from my phone the past couple of months I want to remember...
One evening when we got home from school, it was so beautiful out that we didn't even go inside!  We pulled out the sidewalk chalk and I love the little pictures Andrew drew on the driveway.  This is a beanstalk and magic beans!
A big giraffe... I think he is getting so good at drawing!  He knows to put feet, fingers, etc on people and animals.  His drawings are so cute.  And I let Kerigan loose in the driveway thinking she'd sit and take it all in... notsomuch.  She was all over the place!
Taking a walk while Andrew rode his bike.  He does so good now with stopping and waiting for me so I don't have to run after him!
One beautiful evening our friends called us to join them for the horse races at our local casino!  This is something so fun to do in the summer time.  Landon and Andrew had a blast watching them race!
Little miss' favorite thing to do... pull down mommy's curtains.  I think I hang these back up 428 times a day!
One night we had plans with Uncle Jay, Aunt Rachel and the kids to go to a new place called Sky Zone sports where they have huge trampolines.  We didn't realize they can close for parties or be booked up so we didn't get to stay.  So we decided to head on over to Incredible Pizza instead, and I think the kids had just as much fun!  Andrew played this Spongebob video game almost the whole time!  He was obsessed! (And Spongebob is the one show I don't let him watch, but he definitely knows the character and takes any chance he can get to see him!)
I love this!  Mini bowling alley!
One afternoon I went to pick Kerigan up early from day care and this is how she looked.  Most precious thing ever!
I took the kids to my school carnival the other night- it was so gorgeous out!  This is Kerigan with her little boyfriend, Harrison.  His mama and I teach together and were pregnant together, which was so fun!  They are 2 months apart.
Ga Ga and Andrew seem to take naps together a lot!  Ha!

One of Craig's 40 some cousins got married last month.  Craig was busy working, but I took Andrew so he could see his cousins and grandparents and I knew he'd have a great time dancing!
Have you ever seen anything like this?  This was shrimp!  I was amazed!  Ha!
The wedding was so beautiful!  The reception was at an old church that had been burned down and renovated and made into a reception hall.  
Just gorgeous!
Andrew's first dollar dance with cousin Laura!  Ha!
Jayden and Andrew giving Grandma some love!
Andrew found a new little friend- Another one of Craig's cousin's little girl, Ellie.  She is so sweet!  She was dragging Andrew around all night!  He went and got a rose off one of the tables and handed it to her!  Precious!  Andrew danced and ran around and around until way past 10:00pm!  He was still not ready to stop.  On our way out he said, "I wanna go to another wedding!"  Ha!  Good thing there are 2 more cousins getting married this year!
This is just something sweet I want to remember... Kerigan loves this little sheep from Andrew's farm set.  She will go over to the barn and pull this same sheep out every single time.  She carries it around the house, and won't put it down.  Every time we go somewhere, the sheep is usually in her hand so it goes with us!  Here we were on our way back from Ga Ga's house and she fell asleep in the car holding it.  So sweet!
Reading books with Ga Ga- I love her expression!
Hunger Games and a DVD= serious Saturday night entertainment!  ha!
This was my view one evening after her bottle.  I could have held her like this all night! SO in love!
On the last week of school, Craig brought the kids in to my classroom to meet my students for a little while.  The kids had a blast and so did my fourth graders!
They'd go back and forth between playing with Andrew and following Kerigan around!  I think it's safe to say both of my kids were thoroughly entertained!
Finishing up a movie we had started earlier in the day- Andrew blends right in, doesn't he?  Ha!
This made me laugh- I was bringing around gum to my students and threw four pieces down at this table... whoops!  I somehow overlooked the fact that my FIVE year old isn't a fourth grader!
We've been keeping plenty busy now that school is out- and we haven't even made it to the pool yet!  Andrew had Safety Town last week.  It is a week long session involving lots of safety lessons and geared towards the incoming Kindergarteners.  It is a great program and Andrew loved it!  He didn't want it to end! (See the little cones and buildings set up behind him?  They rode bikes around the cones like they were riding in town- so cute!)  Oh, and his helmet... yeah, he insisted on wearing it inside on the first day!  Ha!
My girl will not eat baby food anymore.  She is onto bigger and better!  Spaghetti is a favorite... and this morning I gave her pancakes and she gobbled them!
I made Mickey shaped ones to get ready for our trip in less than 2 weeks!  (And because I had plenty of time since the kids have been getting up between 5 and 6am since summer began!  Ahhhh!
Most anticipated movie of the year!  Madagascar 3!  Daddy and I got a babysitter for Kerigan and took Andrew out on a special date.  Andrew was so excited he could hardly stand it!
A little video of Kerigan figuring out how to walk.  She stands pretty well on her own and she's taken 4 steps by herself.  She has to be in the right mood and she still lacks a little confidence, but it's coming! She makes a cute little face in the video.  Ignore my laundry basket and annoying voice!  Ha!
Father's Day shopping for daddy wears a girl out!  Ha!

I think I'm all caught up now!