
Thursday, June 7, 2012

memorial day weekend

Well, I'm only a couple of weeks behind in posting this, but I wanted to share about our Memorial Day weekend and our first trip to the lake for the season!
Before we headed to the lake, we stopped by my dad's grave.  Andrew knows all about Grandpa Bill and talks about him.  He knows this is where we go to visit him.  I look at this picture of these two, and oh how I wish my dad could have known them.  We all say that he did know them, he sent them to us with their special characteristics that remind us so much of him.  But I didn't get to witness it.  And I miss that.  I know he would be so proud of them.
Andrew likes to help water the grass!
He was finding all the dry spots!
We put up some decorations.  We love you and miss you everyday dad!
And it just isn't Memorial Day without a trip to the lake!  We had a little photo shoot while daddy and Ga Ga put the boat in the water for the summer!
This little girl  She was making the funniest faces and she always had one foot up in the grass and when we put her in the sand, too!
Watching the boats...

It was just a beautiful weekend with gorgeous weather.
I love how she is looking at her brother here... She just adores him and always wants to be right next to him.
Andrew's faces crack me up too!  
My loves.
Of course we had to take a little boat ride, but it was super windy so we didn't stay out long.
My favorite part of the weekend was getting to see my longest childhood friend, Carrie.  She lives in Florida, but her parents still live here so whenever she's in town visiting, we always try to see each other!  We hadn't met each other's newest babies yet... so it was so fun to get them together! 

Again, this face!!  She makes this face all the time.  Carrie's son EJ is playing in the background.
Foot up!
I don't think she was super fond of the sand, but she sat there like a good girl for her photo shoot!  Ha!
I didn't get any huge smiles, but hey, it's only her first time!  We've got all summer to get used to it, baby girl!
This is mostly what she did the whole time.  Picking up rocks and trying to eat them.  It was pretty hard to take her picture because by the time I took a rock out of her mouth and stepped back to take a picture, she had another one!
Daddy's girl, for sure.

I love this of her and Ga Ga
After a day of boating and taking in the beach, we headed to my aunt and uncles for dinner.  We grilled hamburgers and it was so fun to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather and time with family!  Andrew and the kids played this game almost the whole time- Horton Hears a Who!  He loves that movie, and so he was really into this game!
They have this fun contraption (don't even know what you call it!  Is it a four wheeler, Stef?? Ha!)  Anyway, Andrew had a blast riding in it.  He never wanted to get off.  I had to crack up because my cousin put the horns on the front!  Ha!  
Andrew with Kelsie and Kolton
Kelsie reading books to Kerigan- so sweet.
Andrew always loves to "wrestle" with Kolton!  He put him in this sleeping bag and carried him all around!  They had a blast!
Monday turned out to be beautiful.  It seems that always happens on Memorial Day weekend!  I remember in the past it has rained and then the sun comes out on Monday!  It was so great because we got to enjoy a longer boat ride before heading home.
This little girl loved her boat ride.
She immediately went right to sleep!  She knows the drill!  Ha!
Daddy's first mate!
We are so excited for our summer of fun and lots more lazy days at the lake!