
Friday, August 24, 2012

Kansas City {Crown Center}

The next morning we got up, had breakfast at the hotel and headed to Crown Center for a fun day!
We started at Sea Life aquarium, which they just built.  It was really neat- the kids liked it a lot.  When we were here in March the aquarium and Legoland were being built so we knew we wanted to come back sometime!  We are so lucky it's just a 3 hour drive.  KC is such a fun place to visit!
Andrew loved the rays. :)

This was so neat- 3 of them lined up like this!
Andrew could have sat here and watched them all day.
They had a neat submarine play area that we were disappointed to see was under construction. :(  Andrew was disappointed but not for long!
He could not wait to go see the dinosaur exhibit!  We walked across the street and he stood by this sign and insisted on a picture!  Ha!
First we ate at Fritz's- a fun train restaurant where the train delivers your food.  We loved it last time and Andrew just thinks it is so fun!
He loved sitting here and watching the train zoom by!
Hmmm, too many choices!

I have to comment on Andrew's shirt- I did not order this special for this trip!  (I'm not that crazy!  Ha!) For his 5th birthday I ordered him a Kung Fu Panda shirt like this with a 5 on it.  Well, this one came instead!  It happened to have legos on it.  I emailed the person who made it and it was a mistake- she had mixed it up with another order so she just said to keep this one and she sent the Kung Fu one also.  I stuck it in his closet and sort of forgot about it (because really, there aren't many places to wear a shirt like this without looking a little odd!  Ha!)  But Legoland wasn't one of them!  He fit right in...and we got tons of compliments!  Ha!
The kids had a blast at the Dinosaur exhibit!  You may remember when we came over spring break they had an animal exhibit here.  It is so neat that they do this and it is free to get in!
I love how everything is hands on and makes the kids really explore.  Kerigan even loved it!
We got quite a few compliments on her little outfit too (but mostly her shoes!) :)  Craig hates them because they are not good walking shoes!  Men!  Ha!  We don't care if they are functional- we just like the cuteness!

A dino cave!
His favorite- the T-Rex.  I love how he put his arm around it!  Ha!
Neat volcano!

I was playing with Kerigan and looked over at these two coloring!
Craig was all into his picture of his dinosaur with spikes!  Ha!
This was a little area with pieces of tires to play in!  There were "fossils" hidden under it.  So neat!
Best we could do family picture in front of Crown Center.  We had the best time enjoying our last days of freedom before the fall routine begins!

Legoland coming up!!