
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kansas City {T-Rex Cafe}

So we decided to take a mini road trip to KC for a couple of days before Andrew started school (well, I guess before ALL of us started school!)  We went during the week so it wasn't as busy and it was so much fun.  Andrew liked reading his magazines on the way!
First stop- my favorite place to shop!  Legends shopping mall!  This is such a neat outdoor mall with lots of neat stores and the best place to eat!!  T-Rex Cafe (top of Andrew's to do list!)
The little shoppers.  I only got a couple of stores out of him before he insisted on going to Build A Dino!
Seriously?  This place is like heaven for Dino lovers!
Andrew wanted to do this when we were here over spring break but we talked him into some dinos from the store instead.  But today he knew he wanted to build a T-Rex!
Kissing his heart- so sweet!
Putting the heart inside- Love it!
Cleaning him all up!
Ready to take him home!  He asked if T-Rex (who he named Harry- no idea why!) was going to live at his house.  So funny!
Kerigan wasn't overly impressed!  Ha!
She didn't get a dino, but I told Craig there won't be many more trips where she will come out empty handed!  Ha!
Andrew could just stand here all day.  We had to promise him we'd be back for dinner!  Mommy wanted to shop more, and the boys were shopped out- so I took my girl and daddy took Andrew to the hotel to swim.  It worked out perfectly!
Little miss crashed and I got in some serious back to school shopping.
The boys came back to join us for dinner and I had to get a pic of the kids by the fountain.  This is such a neat place!
This was right after Andrew splashed water all over Kerigan's back!  Ha!

We ate in the Shark room this time (each room has a different theme).  This is the most interesting place to eat.  Dinosaurs everywhere!  It is Andrew's happy place, that's for sure.

This giant jellyfish was hanging above the booth next to us.

We always like to go on a little tour while we are waiting for our food.  Andrew asks me to take a picture of every single thing he sees!  Ha!

This was our view- there were 3 sharks in the tank!  Andrew loved watching for them to come swimming around!

This cracked me up!  Ha!
My boys crashed (with Harry!) right when we got back!  Mama got some reading time and Olympics time!  It was such a fun, relaxing day (well, to me, shopping is relaxing!  Ha!)

More to come!