
Friday, August 17, 2012

surfer dude

My little man is tall enough for the flow rider at our local pool!  I remember last summer watching him get so excited about seeing those big boys doing this.  He'd just watch in awe, like he wished he could do it.
Let me tell you this made his day.  He was totally thrilled and would not stop grinning.  The funniest part about this's a ramp with gushing water that is super fast.  We had the kids start at the bottom (the big kids just jump on it from the top), and Andrew put his foot in the path of the water and it caught him and he literally flew up the ramp, in the water, flipping all around.  He flew up over the top in about 1 second or less!  I was freaking out... he stands up, and was all mad because he thought his turn was over!  Ha!  He immediately wanted to come back down and try it again.
Yes, he's about the bravest kid I know.
Cousin Evelyn did it too, and had so much fun!  (Jayden was too freaked out after watching what happened to Andrew to even try it!  Ha!)
Once he figured out you could steer by moving back and forth, he had it figured out!  I think he and Evie did this about 4-5 times!
Daddy even tried it!  Ha!
This was one of the first trips to the pool this summer, mainly because it's been so hot (yes, even too hot for the pool!)  So this was the first time Kerigan has been introduced to the zero grade entry, and she loved it!
She was so funny, watching this little boy splash in this fountain.  When he walked away I thought for sure she was going to go over to the water, but instead... she followed the boy!  Ha!  Look out in about 15 years!!

Andrew loved trying out his new swim techniques!  He loves this pool with all the fun slides and so much to do!
Sweet girl, she loves the water!
I had to post this because it was Kerigan's first time on the water slide...(please ignore this picture of me, I have not started the post baby diet yet!  Obviously!)  Evie and Andrew loved going down at the same time (right in front of us!)
Kerigan loved it!  When I asked her if she wanted to do it again she kept nodding her head!  Ha!  I lost count how many times we went, but she never got tired of it!
Daddy and Andrew went on the big slides!
I even got a turn with my buddy!  It's so fun to be a kid again!  Waterslides were always my favorite thing, and now I get to relive my childhood!  Ha!
I'm glad Craig got a picture of what happened once we hit the water!  This just makes me laugh.  Ha!  Andrew was out and running up the steps to do it again seconds later!!

Yes, Andrew has started Kindergarten.  But I'm behind on updates, big surprise!  I have to post things in order so I have a couple more before the big back to school post!  But it's coming!