
Sunday, August 19, 2012

summer fun phone dump

As I was going through pictures on my phone, I realized that even though this felt like the hottest summer in recorded history and that we did nothing but hibernate in the air-conditioned house, we actually did get out and enjoy it!  
Andrew and his cousins!
This is our favorite new place in town... Cherry Berry!  It is just like Orange Leaf (not sure if these exist in other parts of the country, but it is awesome!)  You go through and pick out your own frozen yogurt and put your own toppings and then weigh it at the end!  You have to be careful because you could really fill up a dish of this stuff!  See Andrew's concoction above??  Ha!  Gross!
This cracks me up, after swimming lessons one morning Andrew went with me to pick out Ga Ga's birthday present.  This is a fancy boutique in town that my mom loves.  Andrew stuck out like a sore thumb in here, in his swimming get up!  And they don't see many kids, especially crazy little boys!  He loved filling up a fancy bag with treats though!
We had to get out of the house to see the summer's most anticipated movies- we saw Madagascar 3 in June and in July we saw Ice Age- Continental Drift.  They were both really cute movies and Andrew was just in heaven!  He had been waiting for months for these releases!  Now he asks me every day when they are coming on DVD and when his birthday is because he wants a Madagascar party when he is 6, and a "Pirate Ice Age" (as he calls it) party when he's 7!  He plans ahead!  Ha!
Ga Ga got to come with us for her birthday treat!
This is a funny picture but honestly it just makes me happy!  Ha!  We had our carpets cleaned the other day, and I tell you, that felt like an accomplishment!  We had been saying for years how we needed to get this done!  
Little Miss slept through the whole ordeal!  I love her so much, but there's something about when she's sleeping that makes her even extra precious!
Because when she's awake... look out!  She is literally into everything around here!  The goldfish crackers were on this little table, so why not crawl up on top of it instead of just eating them from the floor??
Then she just looks at me and smiles.
She's so stinkin funny.  The other night she loaded up this chair and was pushing random toys and clothes from the laundry basket on top of it!  Ha!
Andrew attended a super fun splash party for one of his best friends at school, Mya.  He just had a blast!
He just loves this little girl!  She's going to his "Kindergarten school" too and he's so excited about that.  She put her arm around him like this when she opened his card and saw how he signed his name.  She said "Good job, Andrew!"  Ha!  It was so precious.  I hope and pray that kids will be nice to him like this his whole life, and that he is also always nice to others... (wishful thinking...but I can dream!)
I baby sat sweet little Liam (our friends baby), for an afternoon and little miss crawled right in his bouncy seat!  Ha!
Then, even better was when she crawled in it right on top of him!  Lol!
She's been such a stinker lately.  I had to lower her mattress the other night and I put her crib bumpers back in and look what I found under her bed!  About 8 pacis!  Ha!  This is why I kept buying them, and I seriously could not figure out where they all went!

We went to a family reunion for my mom's side a couple weekends ago.
The two "Keri's!"  Precious or what??
These are some of my grandpa's siblings, but mostly all cousins of my mom and their kids.  Kerigan and Andrew had fun playing with the kids and the big girls!
She was pretty much the center of attention!
Afterwards we stopped at my grandma's since it is hard for her to get to the reunion.  A few people usually stop over afterwards to see her since it's not too far away.
We went to a wedding of another cousin of Craig's (he has like 30 of them!  Ha!)  Andrew and Ellie reconnected from the last wedding.  They are 2nd cousins but they are so cute together and they just love each other!  They were dancing and walking around holding hands.  So adorable!
And while we have spent lots of days inside like this (She is obsessed with the remote!  And she loves her new zoo animals!)  We did manage to fit in a walk to the park on the first beautiful day we had after the heat wave.

Kerigan loves her little push car!
And her Bubba!
One of my favorite pictures.  Ever.
Ready to play!  
I loved this.  She was so cautious and walked so slowly on the equipment.  I can already picture her next summer racing around as fast as she can go!
She even went down the slide!
She could swing all day long.  Andrew never really liked the swings for more than about 2 minutes (well, that's how he is with everything!  Ha!)  But she loves it!
Ga Ga and Papa came over to grill and have sweet corn one evening and the kids just love playing with Papa.  He is so fun!  Andrew's face cracks me up!
Kerigan kept giving him hugs and saying "Papa Papa Papa" over and over!  Too cute.
They love it when daddy reads to them.  Melts my heart!

See?  It's been an awesome summer after all!