
Thursday, October 11, 2012

a trip to the apple orchard

We made our first trip to the apple orchard/pumpkin patch several weeks ago to get season passes.  I am just now getting around to blogging about it!  Pumpkin patch pictures make me happy.  They just scream "fall" to me, and fall is one of my favorite times of the year!  I went into this trip thinking we were just getting passes, and I'd do my photo shoot the next time, but for some reason, I couldn't resist dressing my girl up and I have to admit, the pictures are some of my favorites of her to date...

We started out thinking this wasn't going to go well... ha!
Kerigan loves her Aunt Rachel, but I think she just wanted mommy for her first experience in the corn pool! 
She came around to the idea once I got in, of course!  And I was picking corn out of my pants the whole rest of the day (not to mention several pieces out of my washing machine and dryer too!)
The kids had a blast jumping in the corn!  This is Andrew's favorite thing to do here.
This fiesty girl... that face just makes me laugh.  This is SO her.  She definitely has a mind of her own and she wants what she wants (I wonder where she gets this from??  Ha!)
Cousin pic!  Andrew, what a goof ball!  Ha!  He is always happiest when these two are around!
She was trying to bury her brother in corn!  ha!
I love this of Kerigan and Jayden.  She loves her cousins too, and is starting to know them and know their names.  She gets excited when we see each other.
Yeah, that next piece went straight in her mouth!

She's looking for trouble!  Ha!

This is the best place I've ever been for fall fun.  They have so many fun activities for kids- and lots of animals too.  
I couldn't believe Andrew actually did this!  Last year he was scared to pet the animals.  This was a big step for him- ha!
The Three Billy Goats Gruff...
And the Three Little Pigs houses...
Andrew loves the wolf outside the house!
The little school house...

They had a blast riding the tractors

And jumping on the jumping pillow!

Even mommy and Kerigan got in on the fun (best part of having kids- getting to be a kid yourself!)
Train rides...
(I told you they had it all!)  Andrew's face cracked me up here... he was being silly again!
My beautiful little pumpkin!  
Plenty more activities (because, yes- there's more!) and plenty more pictures to come~  too many for one post!

Happy Fall!