
Monday, October 15, 2012

apple orchard {part 2}

And the apple orchard fun continues...

The giant slide is one of Andrew's favorite things!

Even Kerigan loved it!
This picture is hilarious- I have no idea why Evelyn was crying!  She wasn't scared, I think she bumped into the side or something.  The boys were loving it!
My little dolly walking with her daddy.
I could just eat her up with a spoon!
Ok could she be any funnier here?  Andrew was laughing at her!  Ha!  I think she didn't like the hay on her legs, but that's just a guess!

Enjoying the hayrack ride
This was so cute, when the tractor started up, everyone jerked back a little bit and Andrew grabbed onto Kerigan and took her hand.  It was so precious!
Cousins and best buds!

We can all agree one of the best parts of the apple orchard is the food!
We took a break from the fun for some cider doughnuts, carmel apples and cider slushies!  Oh my!
My sweet Kerigan

Love her eyelashes!

She makes the best faces... her unsteady little downhill walk.
She makes this face all the time and I love it so much!
Picking out a pumpkin

Again...the faces!  This girl makes us laugh all.the.time.
Fall is just such a fun time of year.  We've been loving the fire pit, the gorgeous weather, playing outside, and the kids have both decided their favorite thing to eat right now is mommy's home made pumpkin bread.  We're looking forward to a couple of Halloween parties with friends, trick or treating and a costume photo shoot!  I think this year I'm more excited about their costumes than ever before!!

Happy Fall!