
Saturday, November 17, 2012

fall phone dump & catch up

Wow, I am getting behind!  I am having trouble organizing this update into any sort of order, so bear with me as I post random things with short captions to get it done before all the holiday hubub starts next week!  I also have some funny Andrew-isms I need to get recorded... he's saying so many funny things these days (multiple times a day) I am losing track of everything!  I finally started writing them down in the "notes" section of my phone!  Ha!
They look sweet, happy and innocent.  But really, Kerigan constantly comes over to him when he's watching his "little TV" and bugs the heck out of him!  Ha!  She tries to push buttons, open his player and chews on all his DVD cases!  Sometimes they share.  But it's rare!
Brother has taught her this trick... how to get what you want out of the pantry?  Just pull up a chair!
I love it when my boys fall asleep on the couch like this.  Sweetest thing ever.
We've been taking advantage of the few nice "park" days as they are numbered!

This is blurry but it's too cute not to post- she was so excited, playing on the equipment all by herself!

Wouldn't sit still so looks like he has no hands because they were moving!  Ha!
On the way back from Ga Ga's one evening... tired kids!
Sitting in her baby stroller!
Helping mommy make pumpkin bread!
Trying on silly Halloween costumes! (Matches his shirt!  Ha!)
Slightly excited about the release of Madagascar 3!
Daddy's home early!  Everyone's excited!  Time for some Candyland.
Cousins watching each other's soccer game- last game of the season...
High fives with his teammates!
A trip to Quiznos after soccer...
Picking up some marshmallows for our fire pit! (She was on a mission!)
Beautiful weather for fires this fall...

My sweet girl having a picnic with her baby

Checking out the American Girl catalog...
Picking out Ninja Turtle toys from Toys R Us... making his list!
This makes me laugh- Kerigan's day care class for Halloween.  She's off and running on the bottom right and my friend Alissa's little boy, Jack, is cashed out in the monster outfit in front!  Ha!
Our girl may be girly but she is obsessed with "outside" right now.  She stands at the window and whines to go "siiiiiiiiiide!"  It is so funny.  Craig finally got them all bundled up and took her out in their jammies (and Craig's famous pizza pants!  Ha!)
With Grandpa at a family wedding
Cousin Evie with Andrew- his face makes me laugh every single time.  He is literally like this all the time- a "ham" just like his Grandpa Bill!
My little dolly
Kisses and dancing with daddy

Andrew's favorite dance partner- his 2nd cousin Ellie.
They literally suck these dry and could go through a whole box in one day!
While Christmas shopping with my mom the other day I found this and cracked up- texted a photo of it to Craig asking if I should buy this and he responded:  "How much?"  HA!
And onto my little man... he brings journal pages like this home from school almost every day and his writing is getting so good!  He is doing a great job at sounding out the letters and writing them, although at conferences his teacher said he is really good at the first part of the sentence and by the end he just writes any letter that comes to mind!  Ha!  This picture was of him and daddy at "Wreck it Ralph," which he loved.

The other day he came home from school all excited, talking about dinosaurs.  He said, "Mommy- dinosaurs aren't alive anymore because they STINK!"  (I laughed out loud- for those who don't get it like my mom... stink=extinct)

We were driving by his school the other day and it was dark.  I said "Hi Westwood!"  He goes "NO!  Westwood is asleep!"

Craig and I take turns sleeping in on the weekends.  The other weekend Craig got up and we had been up for hours!  He comes down the stairs, and asks me if his eggs and bacon are ready.  Andrew got a huge kick out of it.  He laughed and laughed.  Now he says it all the time.  The other morning when we got up he asked me if his eggs and bacon were ready!  Ha!  (Thanks a lot daddy!)

Every once in a while he and Kerigan will have a loving moment. :)  The other day he saw her all ready to go somewhere and he goes "Kerigan is so adorable!"

One morning we were rushing out the door, running late as usual and Kerigan was being so fussy and wouldn't let me put her down to tie shoes, brush teeth, etc.  I was a little harried and Andrew says to me, "What are we going to DO with her?????"  Ha!

Then we get out to the car and she's got her bow pulled out before I even start the car.  I had to run back in for something and he yells at the top of his lungs (apparently so I could hear him inside) "MOOOOOM!!!!!!  Kerigan is touching her hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  (This cracks me up because seriously the girl will NOT leave her hair alone and it drives this bow-loving mama insane!)

The other day Kerigan was playing with her hair brush and taking turns brushing everyone's hair.   I was saying "ohhhh, so niiiiice..." and she turned to brush Andrew's hair and took her brush and whacked his head about 3 times with it!  Ha!  It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.  He was NOT happy, but seriously?  He deserved it!
We put up his little Christmas tree a couple of weekends ago.  He was so precious going through all of his ornaments.  It is probably one of his favorite things to do (it was always my favorite too!)
He carefully unwrapped each one and studied it so closely.
Then he found the perfect spot for each one on his special tree.
All done!
Now mommy just needs to finish up the big tree and we'll be ready to go!  I'm getting behind this year!  Looking forward to a short work week and traveling to celebrate the holidays with Craig's family this weekend!