
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

trick or treat...twice!

Our first night of trick or treat was in our town.  We usually trick or treat with friends or the kids' cousins, but this year everyone had an activity to attend at the beginning so we didn't have time to do dinner with anyone so I threw a roast in the crock pot that morning and I'm so glad I did!  The four of us enjoyed a nice dinner before we took the kids out as a family.  It was nice and low key and I enjoyed it so much!

See exhibit A of why I wanted to do a photo shoot before the actual night of trick or treat.  A hodge podge mess of rotting/moldy pumpkins and two kids, who smiled the best smiles at 2 different times.  Ha!
They are stinkers!  It is next to impossible getting a good picture of the two of them together.
The sweetest thing was Kerigan grabbing her witch broom and stomping off up the sidewalk like she owned the whole neighborhood!  I loved watching her!
Blurry but I still love this of the two of them walking.
This is our sweet neighbor girl Cassie.  She has hearing aids, too!  I think it is such a small world that she lives one house away and she and Andrew have this in common.  We don't meet many other young people with hearing aids and I love having Andrew see that he isn't the only one!
Kerigan was like- get outta my way!  Ha!  She walked straight up to those treat buckets as fast as she could!
Most of the houses she tried to walk right in the house!  Ha!
After a couple streets cousins Evie and Jayden got home so we drove over to their house for a quick picture!
Our kids were tired and Evie and Jayden were just getting started!  Ha!
I LOVE how Jayden and Kerigan are looking at each other here.  So cute!
Kerigan sat right down and helped herself to a sucker or two (or three!) 
Then she got the job of distributing the candy into everyone's buckets!  Ha!  She loved this and all the attention!  Everyone was having a fit over her costume!
It was getting late so we headed back home and the kids went right to bed.  It's hard having Beggar's Night during the week!  Makes for tired kids and a tired mama the next day (and crazy kids at school!)  I'll be glad when it's on a weekend again in a few years.

My mom always has trick or treat on a different night (she lives 20 minutes away) so we always like to head there and see some more friends and family who live in her town.
Kerigan was ready to go!  Round 2!
I just love her expressions!  She has the best personality and makes the cutest little faces!
Andrew cracks us up in his costume because he can't move very well!  I don't think he's super thrilled about his costume, but he is pretty laid back and easy going about it!  He puts it on and goes with the flow!  He gets tons of compliments on it, too!
Trick or Treat Ga Ga and Papa!
Attempt at family photo!
First we visited our long time family friends- the Connors.
Glenn had heart surgery a few years ago, after Andrew was born, and so we love getting these two together for pictures sometimes!  We have one of them when Andrew was very young.  They even had the same surgeon!
Meanwhile, Kerigan thought it was tons of fun to smack Ga Ga with her broom!  Ha!
After that we headed to my brother and sister in law's house.  Andrew made me laugh trying to play with the toys in his costume!  Ha!  It covers half his face!
We were trying to get a picture with the "kitty" (as Kerigan calls it), but kitty wouldn't have it.  
This is my mom with Kerigan, and my brother Tim with his granddaughter, Lucy.
Lucy is 4 months older than Kerigan.
This was Andrew riding in the car!  Ha!  I love how he's gripping his toys from Hotel Transylvania that he got in his Halloween treat bag from mommy!  He wouldn't put those things down!
Our last stop was a special meeting with special friends at our most favorite restaurant- Hickory Park!  Norah was so precious and took Andrew's hand to walk to the table.  I had to chuckle because I was talking to her about her costume and trying to guess which princess she was and I could not remember for the life of me which one was purple!  Craig comes up behind me and says "Tangled!"  Ha!  Sadly, he was right!
Chris, Andrea, Norah and Stella- one of the sweetest families I know!  Andrea and I have known each other since we were in Kindergarten!  So fun that our kids are now in Kindergarten!
Deciding what ice cream treat we wanted!
Kerigan just climbed right up on the table!  Ha!
Enjoying our ice cream!
We tried getting a group picture- Stella wasn't having it, and Andrew was done at this point!  Ha!  And Norah, she is so sweet.  This is how she is all the time- just happily smiling for the picture!
This makes me laugh out loud!  I told him I wanted a big smile this time!  Ha!

And just for fun... a blast from the past of these two on their first Halloween adventure at Hickory Park...  It's always been a favorite picture of mine!  Ha!
You're never going to live this one down Andrew!

After two nights of trick or treat, we were beat!  Just in time for the weekend!  Ha!  Oh well, at least we got to relax and start putting the decorations away.  I got a jump start on Christmas, but no... I'm not done quite yet!  And still haven't thrown the moldy pumpkins out, Andrew cried when he saw his!  Guess I know what I'll be working on this weekend!

Happy November!