
Friday, December 21, 2012

mall of america

Another tradition for us over the holidays when we can make it work is visiting Minneapolis.  We came here every year during the Christmas season when I was a kid and I love doing the same with my kids.  We headed to the Mall of America first, and we had a great time riding rides at Nickelodeon Universe!
The first year Andrew rode this little roller coaster all by himself!  He loved it!
Daddy's favorite ride- the Bumper cars!  We always have to go on the BC every time we go anywhere with rides!  Andrew likes it, but it definitely isn't his favorite.  But daddy makes him go!  Ha!

After the BC, Andrew insisted on heading in a certain direction because he thought he saw Ninja Turtles.  I was sure he must be mistaken because last time we were here (about a year ago) there were no Ninjas to be found...  we were proven wrong!  I should have known my little man could spot Ninja turtles from miles away!!
Andrew was flipping out when we saw this!  An awesome display and huge ride that had turtle shells behind the seats!  Andrew was so disappointed when we found out you had to be 46" tall to ride.  The guy working there was nice and let him come and sit on the seat!
I couldn't figure out why it was such a bad ride for a kid his age... then we stood and watched it!  It swings you way up almost to the ceiling of the mall (which is a LONG way up!)  It looked super fun, but I had to admit I wouldn't want my little man riding it just yet!  
And he was okay with it.  He just loved checking it out and seeing the turtle statues.  I got to thinking, surely they would have the real characters out for meet and greets, since I knew they had Spongebob and the Wonder Pets.  I looked into it, and sure enough, Ninja Turtles were character greetings but not on this day we were there.  I was so bummed.  I didn't even tell Andrew about it but I found out they were coming out the next day.  We were not planning on coming back, but we made a special short stop just to surprise him... and it was so worth it!
These pictures were taken the next evening on our way downtown, but I was so glad we made an extra stop, even though the parking lot is crazy and the crowds were awful!
Andrew loves loves loves Ninja Turtles.  He has been begging for them for so long and asks Santa and our Elf on the Shelf for them all the time!
The turtles were pretty fun!  They made mommy get in the picture too!  I'm not sure I knew what I was doing with my ninja moves though- ha!
Andrew loved them so much.  He was the most excited I've seen him in a long time!  He wanted his picture with all of them!
Luckily, after the other two went in, the other two came right out!  I was hoping for a picture with all four of them, but they were never out all at the same time.
Andrew is so good at ninja moves!  The pictures don't really show his talent- ha!  He normally is jumping all around the house, kicking sideways and moving his hands all around.  I think he was just so overwhelmed and happy that he didn't even know how to react.

Continuing on with the rides from the day before...
He still loves Wonder Pets, not quite as much as he used to.  But this ride is still a favorite!
Ready to go up in the Flyboat!
The only picture I could get of the two of them.  Kerigan won't stand still for pictures anymore.  She's at that age!  I plop her down and by the time I back up to snap a picture, she's off and running!
Andrew rode the Diego bus... this is blurry but I love his face!
This roller coaster was always a favorite of mine, way back when they built the MOA and I came here with my friends back in high school!  We used to go on this coaster over and over again.  It is so smooth and fun because it goes all around Nickelodeon Universe so you can see all the rides and even parts of the mall!  I was so happy my little man could ride with an adult since he meets the 42" requirement now!
Daddy even had to get in on the fun and go with him, too!
I just took a picture of the picture they wanted to sell us... I LOVE this picture of my boys having fun!  Ha!
 Kerigan and I hung out with daddy and Andrew for a while, but we soon became antsy and had to hit this place...
And I'm telling you, we had a blast in here.  Seriously.  The girl and I spent a good hour just playing with dollies.  And yes I have pictures, tons of them.  But that's a whole other post for another time!  I cannot wait for Santa to bring her very first Bitty Baby.
We met back up with Bubba and Daddy after an hour so we could do a little shopping.  We were doing a Flat Stanley project for a friend so that's why he's holding a cut out person in the picture!  Ha!
They had these neat Christmas ornaments with faces of Spongebob characters on them everywhere- Andrew loved them!
This just makes me laugh.  Kerigan makes the photo, doesn't she??  Ha!
They have a neat Legoland inside the mall which Andrew loves.
Look at all those legos!!
A trip to the MOA wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Disney store!  A favorite place!  Kerigan had fun playing "dress up" in the castle!
I am in love with this picture of her!!
Andrew and Kerigan had a blast in the stuffed animal tunnel!  Andrew kept bringing in new ones and Kerigan was having so much fun!
We stopped for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe.  Andrew loves this place!
It's hard to get pictures because it is so dark in there, but we sat in the room with all the gorillas and monkeys and it was so fun every 15 minutes when they have their rainstorm and the gorillas move around!  Kerigan was mesmerized!
Andrew got a little souvenir bag of animals which he was so proud of... like he needs more animals!  These were "special" because they had cartoon like faces and he didn't have any like that (or so he informed me!) 

After dinner we headed to Craig's brother's house where we were staying.  Lots more to come from the American Girl store and downtown Macy's Santaland!