
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

santa express

A holiday tradition for us has been taking the kids on the "Polar Express" train.  This was our fourth time, and Kerigan's first ride!  She loved it!
I am always hesitant to bring her along on outings like this, not sure if she'll be hard to handle, but so far, she just goes with the flow and I love it, because I love bringing her!
This face is full of wonder and excitement!
It is so neat because they really make you feel like you are riding the Polar Express (one of Andrew's all time favorite movies).  The kids wear their PJ's, and they bring out hot chocolate and cookies.  Then Santa comes and each child gets a bell from Santa!
This was Kerigan's Santa experience #1.  As you can see, it did not go well- ha!  
She was much better back on Daddy's lap, playing with her bell!
And eating her cookie- Ha!
These are seriously such good cookies!  I could eat the whole basket of them!
My bright eyed little dolly... rarely do we get our picture taken together because I'm always the one taking the pictures!  
Daddy and Andrew being goofy!
I love how both kids were climbing all over Craig- they love their daddy and they both wanted to sit with him almost the whole time!
Looking out the window as we arrived at the "North Pole."
So excited about the North Pole!
You can see the sign out the window.  Along the way they have little lights and decorations hanging so the kids can see them out the windows.
After the North Pole and visiting Santa, the kids got to go to the front of the train and sing carols on the way back to the station.  Andrew was even singing!  (For those of you who know him, you know this is rare- ha!)
I love the pretty lights and greenery strung along the train.
Family photo outside the train!

A magical night on the Polar Express!
And two very tired little travelers!  Ha!