
Monday, April 29, 2013

bunny blues

So Easter was almost a month ago, I know.  Blogging fail.  I have about 6 updates swirling around that I need to do to catch up, and I can't seem to find any free minutes to just sit down at the computer and relax.  My "hobby" has been put on hold.  But only temporarily!  Because once we get our house sold (and I don't have to pick up after my two crazies every second to keep the house in showing condition), and school is over and we actually move in and get settled in our new home... I think this mama will have a little more time on her hands.  Something I need desperately, and absolutely cannot wait for.  Working part time has never sounded better.  And I can't wait!

But, back to Easter...

This is the classic bunny picture of the year.  Creepy bunny, terrified, screaming child while older sibling cracks up and can't take their eyes off said child.  I could stare at this picture all day.  It is the screen photo on my iPhone and iPad.  I cannot get enough of it.  It makes me laugh.  Out loud.  Every single time.
Some moms are nice and let their screaming child sit with them while they get in the picture themselves.  I'm not nice like that.  First of all, I wasn't sporting my Easter best, and secondly, I don't have much sympathy!  Ha!  She needs to learn this is just part of life.  Mom throwing her on some big scary animal/character's laps.  Deal with it.  Ha!  Plus, I'm the one behind the camera.  It's my job.
So, we thought we'd try out the bright, shiny train.  She was liking it...
Pretty soon she had a full on scream going...
Did I let her get off?  Nope.  I made her ride it.  She needs to toughen up a little bit!  I'm not used to a wimpy kid!  And once it got going, she enjoyed it.  Until it drove past me and she saw me.
Andrew wanted to ride again.  I didn't torture her a second time.  Don't you love it when other kids photo-bomb your pictures?
My handsome 6 year old
Kerigan much preferred hanging out by the duck fountain and throwing in money.
I told Craig to get used to it.  You know, throwing money away at the mall.
She and I have some fun shopping trips ahead of us!
By the way many of you have asked where I am getting her adorable dresses and outfits.  Many of her holiday things come from a neighbor of mine who has 3 boys and loves to make things for girls.  She is so talented.  I love to bounce ideas off her and see what she can create.  The Easter dress was an experiment, and I love the way it turned out!

On Easter weekend we headed to Craig's parents to celebrate with them on Saturday.  Grandma had eggs all ready to go for the kids to color.  They had a blast!

This was Kerigan's first time and she had so much fun!
She only gave me a heart attack a few times when I thought she was going to spill the mug all over herself and everywhere else!  Ha!
She did get the hang of it after a while (and yes, she has no pants on.  This is the stage where I start picking my battles.  I was not willing to fight her on this one.)
Her sassy face
Concentrating very hard...
Andrew liked drawing on the eggs first...
Me and my girl
I loved Andrew's little Easter bunny he drew (the blue one in the middle).

Part 2 coming soon (I promise!!)