
Friday, April 19, 2013

spring break-crown center

Our spring break fun continued with a trip to another favorite place in KC- Crown Center.  They have so many fun activities for the kids- many of them are free.
Every year we love to visit this free exhibit which always has a different theme- They've had animals and dinosaurs, and this time they had different jobs, sort of like "What do you want to be when you grow up."  It was so cute and fun for them to play!
It was like a real little town with different places to "work."  Like the car garage...
the Rodeo...
or an astronaut in a spaceship!
And race car driving!
You could pretend like you were a barber... or the President!  Ha!
An artist in the park...
My personal favorite future job for Andrew- a doctor!  His latest job that he wants is a vet, though.  Close enough!  He is an animal lover!  (They had a vet clinic on the other side of the room from this one, but I didn't get any pictures!)
How about a tight rope walker in the circus??
Of course, they had a classroom for the "teachers," and this fire fighter house was so neat- the flames blew back and forth and you pretend to spray water on it!  So interactive and imaginative!
You could be a surfer... or a lifeguard!

We had so much fun.  After exploring we had to hit one of our favorite places to eat for lunch... Fritz's!
This picture makes me laugh.  Kerigan would not stand in front of this train for anything and she was a mess!  Daddy had to hold her, and then I was yelling at Andrew to smile his BIG smile!  He obliged- Ha!  What a struggle sometimes!
At Fritz's you order from your table by phone, and then a train delivers your food right to your table!  So fun for the kids (adults too!)  And they have shakes and malts to die for!!
Little engineers...Kerigan refused to wear her hat.  This age is about to do me in!  Getting good pictures of her is pretty much impossible!
Andrew was so proud to get our food down after the train dropped it off!
We loved having Papa and Ga Ga join us for the day!
Kerigan finally decided to wear her hat for a split second while being entertained by daddy!

After lunch we headed across the street to visit the aquarium.  We decided to save Legoland for another time because the lines were so long.
We enjoyed our second visit to the aquarium, even though Kerigan again refused to get down and walk around and look at things!  She is starting terrible twos early I swear!
Andrew loved touching the starfish
I finally got her to stand here, but only because Andrew was there too!  She always has to do everything he does!
Checking out the sharks!
I thought these jellyfish were so cool!  Andrew loved them too!
Head in a bubble!
Huge stingray swimming right over our heads!
This giant tank was full of stingrays.  Andrew is up on top looking down at them.
Kerigan finally decided she'd like to dig for fossils!
And this is the most excited face you'll ever see- he would barely pause for a picture when he saw this play area!  He was off in a flash... followed by his sister!
I could not believe she went in it!  After being such a whiny pain all day!  Ha!  She's so silly.  

We had a great time together in Kansas City!  It is just the best spot for a mini vacation for us- so close to home (about 3 hrs) and so many fun things to do!  Since we couldn't go to the Great Wolf Lodge this time, we have rescheduled our trip for next month and we can't wait!  So more KC fun coming soon!