
Sunday, April 14, 2013

spring break in KC

We had a nice spring break trip planned this year, similar to our trip to Kansas City last year.  My mom and Jim come in off the Amtrak from their trip to Arizona and we like to meet them and stay a night with them too.  This year we decided we would go early and stay at the Great Wolf Lodge.  I had always wanted to take Andrew there.  So we were going to go on Wednesday morning and stay in KC until Saturday.  Both kids had been so healthy all winter/sick season, and of course they wait til Monday of break to get the tummy bug.  On Wednesday they were still sick so we had to postpone our trip to GWL.  I was so bummed.  We decided to wait it out another day and they were better by Thursday so we still went and just stayed in a different hotel for a couple nights.  It worked out great and we still had fun.
This picture just makes me laugh.  The rule around our house is no jumping on the beds unless we are in a hotel!  Ha!  They were having a blast!
Kerigan just had a blast in the pool.  And Andrew apparently forgot everything he'd learned in swimming lessons last summer.  He wouldn't leave the steps.
I think next year I'm going to do year round lessons for him so he can stick with it and remember what he learned.
The kids always have fun in the pool with daddy!

I love this- so sweet.

We were trying to teach her to blow bubbles in the water!  She caught on pretty well!
Sweet boy

After swimming we got ready to head to our favorite place- the Legends shopping area.  Andrew could live at the T-Rex Cafe.
Of course he wanted to Build A Dino again.  This year I tried talking him into making one for Kerigan instead (since he already has one) but Kerigan wanted nothing to do with it!  She hated the whole place!  Ha!  She was terrified of the dinosaurs.
So Andrew happily made a mammoth
Giving him a bath
Maybe next year Kerigan will enjoy it too!
She was even crying outside after we left!  Ha!
We went shopping for a little while and then came back for dinner (yes, more torture for Kerigan!)
Andrew always likes to walk around while we are waiting for our food and have me take his picture by all the dinosaurs.
Kerigan was not happy!  Ha!
She pretty much sat on daddy's lap the entire meal and wouldn't eat unless she was on one of our laps.
She would not take her eyes off the dinosaur by our table.  She looked at it like this the whole time, and cried most of the time!  I am just not used to that because Andrew wasn't scared of anything at her age! 
Our favorite part about the hotel...fresh baked cookies when we got back at night before bed!  Yummy!
Ga Ga and Papa came in on Friday morning and had breakfast at the hotel with us and checked into their room.  The kids were so excited to see them!
They brought us back some souvenirs from Arizona.  We have this joke about Super 8 hotels because Craig always wants to stay in them when we travel because they are so cheap!  Ha!  My mom and I are not fans, but they did stay in a really nice one in AZ for one night so they brought Craig back some Super 8 stuff!  It was pretty funny!
And someone else just loved kicking back and enjoying hotel life!  Messing up the bed with crumbs and hogging the remote!  A girl after her daddy's heart!

Stay tuned for more fun in KC...