
Saturday, July 13, 2013

best day ever

Kerigan's 2nd birthday was the best day ever!
I set up a little princess dress up area and we had a few of Kerigan's little friends come over for a party!  I was kind of nervous about this one because I kind of threw it together last minute and mostly on my own.  Craig was working that night (but we didn't want boys there anyway!  Ha!)  My good friend Emily who doesn't have a daughter, but 4 adorable boys, actually drove to my house to pick up Andrew, take him out to eat and to play, and then brought him back so I didn't have to worry about him.  You were a life saver- thanks Em!   It was important to me to have a party because it was our last party in our old house.  A week before we moved!
Many people thought I was nuts to go to all this work right before we moved, but I really wanted to make the day special for my girl.  It's not her fault her birthday landed right in the middle of the busiest part of the summer for us!  I had fun making the invitations, although braiding each braid was a bit tedious, but it was totally worth it!
I wanted to do so much more than what I had time for, but I tired to do the best I could with what I hadn't packed yet!  I thought this looked like a lantern so I strung some lights inside it and found the "Dream" sign on clearance at Target (there's a song in Tangled called "I have a dream" and Rapunzel dreams of getting out of her tower to see the world).

We had the perfect house to throw Rapunzel's braid over the ledge in the entryway!
I served the food in frying pans (what Rapunzel uses in the movie) and the kids had fun building "Tower kabobs" and eating off a stick!
We had bread braids (and no, I didn't have time to get creative and bake them from scratch like the moms on Pinterest, so we just braided the pilsbury stuff and they were delicious!).  We had ham, cheese, summer sausage, fruit and pretzel braids.
This was my favorite kind of party!  We asked the little girls to come dressed as their favorite princess, and we also had dress up clothes to play in!  They decorated a picture with stickers and princess foam shapes, which is something all little kids enjoy at this age!  Each girl got a wand they could decorate too.

 We had a couple of princess tents (one I borrowed and one I got super cheap) and they were a hit!
The girls loved playing in them!
What is it about a tent that's so exciting?  Ha!
This is Kerigan's sweet "big girl" friend Norah, my friend Andrea's daughter.  She is so sweet and fun to have around, and a huge helper with the younger kids (she and Andrew are the same age, 3 months apart) and Kerigan loves her.  I love how she's looking at her!

The girls had so much fun eating in the dining room!  I don't think in the 8 years we have lived there that I ever let the kids eat in there.
At least not a whole bunch of them at a party!  Ha!  I figured oh well, we might as well enjoy our house since it wouldn't be ours for much longer!
The food was so easy and the kids all loved it.  It was definitely simple, and if I had more time I would have probably done more, but this was perfect!

Kerigan got lots of nice gifts from her little friends.  Lots of princess stuff, which she loves!
The cake was my favorite part.  A teacher my mom works with does cakes and I've started asking her to do my kids cakes because she is fabulous!  I hadn't seen a more perfect Rapunzel cake.  Kerigan was in awe.

She said "sing happy birthday to me!"  Ha!  She loved hearing everyone sing to her.
Mt friend Erin took this and I love it because it shows the cake really well and my attempt at decorating the island.  I just put twinkle lights under it and covered it with a purple tablecloth and it looked really cute.
She was talking about Rapunzel being up in there!  Ha!
I loved this little sassy look!
My little princess
This is Kerigan's little friend Lainey.  Her brother is also named Andrew and has the same heart defect as our Andrew.  Their family has become friends with ours through our heart boys!  I love that Erin and I had our girls a month apart!
This just cracks me up.  These are two of her best little school friends Isabelle and Irish.  I love how they are smiling and Kerigan is making a face!  Ha!
More tent fun!

Peek a Boo!
My mom got Kerigan this beautiful Rapunzel dress and shoes from the Disney Store.  Kerigan loves it and wants to wear it every day!  I realized I didn't get a picture of her shoes, but her dress covered them up!  I'll have to get pictures another time.
This was so funny, after everyone left Erin and Lainey stayed later and the boys had a rocket launching show for us in the backyard.  Lainey and Kerigan were topless and cheering for them with dress up shoes!  Ha!  Funny girls.
Thanks to my mom, all of my friends and Kerigan's little friends who helped make it special!  Our last birthday party in our house was one we will always remember.

As Rapunzel would say... it was the BEST DAY EVER!