
Monday, July 15, 2013

more tangled fun!

For Kerigan's actual birthday on July 12 we went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Hickory Park. They have the best food in the world and they always give you a free birthday treat and sing to you so it's always a top choice for birthdays!
I just can't believe my sweet girl is two!
 She was being so sweet and cuddly, giving hugs (instead of eating- Ha!)
 She was so funny and acted shy when they all came to serenade her!
She wasn't great at blowing out the candles!  But this is so cute because she was trying so hard!  (And there's her Rapunzel shoes in the picture!  I didn't think I had a picture of them!)
 I just love this little girl's smiles!  She literally can light up the room.
 A little love from Mommy and Bubba!  We just love her to pieces!
 One of the kids favorite things is getting to fill up a little sack with treats on our way out!  It is like a little old fashioned candy store and you put your coins in the box and pick what you want.  So fun!  And they love putting their money in!
After dinner we went to Ga Ga and Papa's to open her birthday gifts from them.
She got lots of neat stuff from the Disney Store as Ga Ga and Papa had just gotten back from Minneapolis!
She never wants to leave the house without some jewelry on of some kind!  Look at all her necklaces- Ha!  I found this amazing lady on Facebook who does character chunky necklaces and they are the cutest things I've ever seen.  Kerigan just loves them!
I just love this picture.  Papa gave her this sweet little jewelry box with Rapunzel and she spins around to the song "I see the Light" which is Kerigan's favorite song.  He gave her some necklaces to put inside and she just loves it.

The weekend of her birthday we continued celebrating with Craig's family.  We were all in town for a family wedding so decided to have Kerigan's party the same weekend so everyone could be there.
Watching "Tangled" with her cousins!  We did a princess party here too but Evie was the only one who wanted to wear her princess dress!  Ha!
Kerigan got lots of nice gifts from her aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.
I love how everyone wanted to help her blow out her candles!  *I could have killed Craig for sticking his hand in front of the camera!  When will he learn??  Ha!
All the cousins!  Left to right:  Kerigan, Evie holding Kennedy, Brooke, Andrew, Jayden, Abby and Jack.  Andrew loves nothing more than being here with all his cousins!  It's his absolute favorite thing and they are all his favorite little people!
There is never a dull moment with Daddy and all the uncles!  Ha!

A couple days later we celebrated Ga Ga's birthday (Kerigan was born 4 days before... I always wanted them to have the same birthday!) at our house.
We were in the middle of moving and daddy and Papa were loading the U Haul this evening and Kerigan was all out of sorts.
Look how sad she looks!  I have no idea what was wrong.  Something very minor I'm sure (girl drama!)
Ha!  I love how mom just keeps smiling and Kerigan is throwing a fit!  What a struggle!  But wasn't her little beach cake adorable?  And it was delicious too (the same lady who make Kerigan's made it- my mom's friend from work).

After this is when things just got crazy and the move was underway.  I have a few more updates about our summer before I start posting some pics from the new house!  Stay tuned!