
Saturday, June 22, 2013

omaha children's museum

We had a great day on our second day in Omaha!  We went to the children's museum, and I was quite impressed!

There were a ton of neat things going on and we pretty much spent a whole day there!
They had a bug exhibit going on where you feel like you shrunk and live in a bug's world.
Climbing through ant hills...
Getting up close and personal!  Ha!

This was a giant "Elefun" game!  So fun!
They even had a giant bouncy caterpillar!  Andrew had a blast, Kerigan wouldn't go near it!  Ha!
They did crafts- the kids made sand bottles.
My favorite part was the bug kitchen!  Ha!

I couldn't stop laughing at Kerigan.  She was so serious in her chef hat and apron!  Mixing up a bug salad!

It was so neat how you could crawl in a tunnel and then stick your head up right next to the giant bug!
Of course, another carousel!  
Andrew picked this one for Ga Ga!  Ha!  (She hates chickens and roosters!)
In the downstairs part they had more awesome things like this shopping area set up just for kids!

They just had a blast- Kerigan could have done this all day!

Picking corn!
Milking cows!

You could drive a firetruck and dress up as a firefighter!

It was seriously never ending fun!
In another area they had a huge ball room!
It was so neat, the balls would all collect in the middle and every once in a while a siren would go off and the balls would all fall out on top of you!

This was a neat chair that worked like a pulley and you could pull yourself up.
This just amazed me.  Kerigan usually won't go near any sort of character.  We saw Cinderella and Snow White at our local zoo right before this, and she cried and pouted and did not want to stand by them.  This princess was at the museum and I took a million pictures because she was SO CUTE!
She actually went up to her and held her thumb!  Ha!  And look at her eyes here looking at the princess!  I love it!  She's so unsure, but she is totally in awe.
And I actually got a smile!  First time ever!  Maybe Disney can happen sooner than I thought!  Ha!
We had planned to leave for lunch and a nap but we were having too much fun so someone just konked out on daddy!  Ha!
This was such a neat story about why I love Facebook and how it connects people.  Years ago when I was a kid and we used to go to the lake in the summers, I made friends with another little girl named Cassi (and her sisters) who were the grandchildren of some close friends of my parents.  We were all pretty much the same age and our families had been friends for so long.  Whenever they were at the lake visiting their grandparents, we would always see them and play together.  Over the years I stayed in touch with them, we hung out whenever they were in town during high school and college, went to each other's weddings, etc.  We had lost touch for a while after that but reconnected on Facebook.  Cassi lives in Omaha with her family and she saw that we were going to be there so we planned to meet up!
She just has the sweetest little family and this is one of my favorite pictures ever!  This is her adorable little girl, Lucy.  I could not get over how much this little girl looked just like her mama when she was a little girl and we were friends!  It was so strange watching my kids play with her kids because it just felt like it was us about 30 years ago!  So fun!
This is Cassi and her kids and my kids and I!  This is such a special picture to me!  All these years later it was so fun to get together again and it felt like no time had passed at all!  We all went out to dinner together afterwards and just had a great time catching up!

One more update from our trip!  Gotta get caught up before the first day of school next week!