
Sunday, June 23, 2013

omaha old market and train museum

Part of what we love about our mini vacations are staying in hotels with a pool.  The kids just love swimming.  We always build swimming into our itinerary so the kids have plenty of time in the water!
Kerigan is getting so brave and just loves the water.  She tries to let go and squirm away from us!
She jumps right into the water, whether someone is there to catch her or not!
We went swimming on Friday when we were so hot after the zoo and it was so nice!  We also went for a bit on Saturday and then Sunday morning before we checked out.
After checking out we ate downtown at Spaghetti Works at the Old Market.
This is blurry because they were moving but it is so cute of their smiles!

We loved walking around the Old Market, there were neat places to shop and eat and just explore.
After exploring we visited the Durham Museum, which is basically an old train station that has all kinds of neat things to see.
They were having Dino Sue on exhibit so we got to see it again (we saw it at the Science Center at home too).

Andrew liked pretending he had small arms like the T-Rex!
They had other historical exhibits set up around the museum.

Andrew thought this was funny that this is how they delivered the mail!
In the downstairs museum they had this really neat model train set that went all the way along a wall, the kids had a blast pushing the buttons to make it move!

You could get on an old train and see how they traveled long ago!

Do you think they were tired of me taking their picture?  Ha!

Andrew had fun making the wheels go!

This little reading nook was so cute!  The books hung on the wall on a board that was part of a dinosaur bone!  So fun.
The kids could dig for "fossils!"
On our way out we got to have an ice cream treat at the old fashioned soda fountain!  

That ends our Omaha mini vacation!  We had a great time and definitely plan to go back!  We are so lucky to live in a pretty central location with all kinds of fun places just a few hours away!  We are surrounded by Omaha, Kansas City and Minneapolis!  I love it!