
Monday, September 23, 2013

labor day weekend

I thought I'd better get around to blogging about our Labor Day weekend before September is over!
We had a great time at the lake over the weekend.  It was a nice day on Sunday so we had a great time spending it on the water and at the beach.
Kerigan has discovered she loves helping daddy drive!
Andrew was a little chilly after swimming!
We anchored at the beach and Andrew had a blast jumping off the boat!  He got so brave, he would just run off the back and jump super far!  

Love this one!  Ha!
Little Miss was having so much fun and I was capturing her many smiles...
Don't you just love "giggle smiles?"

I am so happy she loves boating as much as all of us!
My little man showing off his muscles!  Ha!

After a beautiful day on the boat, we went back to the hotel and got ready to meet my aunt, uncle and cousins for dinner.  We hadn't seen them in so long, it was so great getting together!
The kids all had so much fun reconnecting and wrestling in the room!  I am pretty sure the people below us were wondering what in the world was going on (yes, we are those people!)  Ha!
Kelsie and Andrew playing iPad
Kerigan with cousin Kendra
Andrew and Kolton, his biggest and bestest cousin.  Kolton is now 13, which officially makes me feel old.  I will never forget the day he was born and how excited I was to have my first cousin on my mom's side.  We are 25 years apart, and I had wanted a cousin for as long as I could remember!
It is so fun to now see him playing with my son like a "big brother."  Andrew loves nothing more!
He has always looked up to Kolton and just adores him!

So much fun!
The next morning we went swimming at the hotel before we checked out.  Someone was slightly excited- Ha!

She now can swim with just her floaties and she is loving the independence.

Andrew loves to dive down for his toys.

He is officially getting to be a swimmer now to where I can trust him in the water.  It is so fun to watch him!  He has learned so much the past couple of years.
It was a super windy day on Monday so we didn't take the boat out again, much to my disappointment. I had planned to take the kids pictures by the beach for our Christmas card but that didn't even happen because it was way too windy.

And a certain little girl refused to stand and smile at the camera!  She was too busy playing in the sand and we were all getting blown away so I just gave up!  But she did look adorable!  Ha!

The dock is officially out of the water and the lake is "closed" until next summer!  Labor Day always marks that end of summer but beginning of fall so I can never tell if I'm happy or sad!  I love fall and this time of year so much.  And it's always fun to look forward to our lake adventures next summer!