
Friday, September 27, 2013

swimming & getting acclimated

I keep saying I feel like we did nothing this summer but pack, move and unpack.  I kept feeling so guilty for not taking the kids to the pool very much.  But luckily Ga Ga has a pool in her neighborhood so the kids love to swim when we are at her house.
So they did get some pool time!
Kerigan just got so good in the water the last few times we went.  She realized she could swim in her floaties all by herself and wanted nothing to do with us after that!  She just wanted to be a big girl and swim by herself!

And I can't believe I didn't even take one picture of Andrew at swimming lessons this year.  I did take video though!  But he did a week of private lessons the week before we moved with the same awesome instructor he had last year that basically taught him how to swim in a week!  She taught him even more this year and he did a great job!  I'm so proud of how far he's come!
Everywhere she goes she makes a fashion statement, doesn't she?  Ha!
This was a pool party for our sweet friend Lainey.  The kids had a blast!
All the kids at the party- it was a Hello Kitty luau theme and it was super cute!  And now Kerigan has discovered she also loves Hello Kitty- Ha!
These pictures of Andrew were too funny.  He was grumpy when we first got there because I forgot his goggles, but once he got started swimming he was having a blast and he started doing this and saying "See mom?  I'm having fun now!"  Ha!
One last trip back to our old stomping grounds so mommy could get a root canal and the kids went to day care one last time.  Since it was lunch time and we had no house there anymore, we picked up Papa Johns and took it to the park!  Ha!  I miss Papa Johns SO much.  Most of you who follow me on Facebook know it's my absolute favorite pizza, and we don't have it where we moved so I am in withdrawal!  I think the lady in the background thought we were crazy with our pizza picnic.  She had brought this healthy little lunch for her kids in a fancy little bag/cooler- HA!  Oh well, that's how we roll!
This was so sweet, when we got home, as a "root canal" surprise my friend Mandy had left this picnic table for us!  She knew I had been wanting one for our deck and her kids had outgrown this one.  We were so happy and excited to see it when we pulled in!  
The kids have enjoyed many, many picnics, snack times and playing with toys on it. 
Thank goodness for sweet friends who have gone way above and beyond with welcoming us to town!
Just so you can see that she isn't always as sweet as she appears!  Ha!  We went to DQ one afternoon and she was mad about something and splattered ice cream all over- herself included!  Ha!
Eating watermelon- a favorite summer snack!  I think she ate this whole container!  My kids looooove watermelon!
I'm seriously in potty training denial.  I am fully admitting that I despise it more than anything else and I keep putting it off.  Kerigan is more than ready.  She will not go to sleep at nap time without removing her diaper and 75% of the time she pees, and/or goes #2 in her crib.  It's about enough to put me over the edge.  So one day I had had it (I just needed 5 minutes to myself to get something done!!) so I strapped her wet suit on her so she couldn't get her diaper off!  Ha!  Poor thing, she was so confused asking me "Mommy?  Are we going swimming?"  I laughed and laughed about it, but I tell you- it worked like a charm!
Daddy is in full swing with his job and we are so proud of him!  Kerigan and I like to go visit him sometimes during the day.  She loves going to daddy's school!

We took the kids to the scrimmage to kick off football season and Daddy spoke at the assembly first.  It was so sweet when he introduced us, Andrew ran out in front of everyone and hugged him and everyone said "Awwwww..."   I wish I had taken a picture.
Getting geared up for Bobcat football!
She got her face painted for the first time, which was extra cool because a cheerleader did it!
Walking out to the field to see daddy

Things feel like they are starting to fall into place a little bit.  I found the perfect place for Andrew to do Tae Kwon Do.  And the best part is he can ride the bus here after school and come to class, and I can pick him up afterwards!
There is an amazing new YMCA and there are lots of classes.  Tae Kwon Do is offered by this wonderful instructor, Master Hala, and he works so hard on technique, which Andrew is enjoying.  
At his last class, they really didn't work on much it was more just "playing" and having fun.  This is more serious, and the kids have to say "yes sir," and show respect.  It is very good for Andrew.
When they got out the boxing gloves, I thought Andrew was going to go crazy he was so excited.  They also get to punch the bags (behind them in the picture), and do kicks then run and flip onto a huge mat.  It is a lot more fun than he's had before, and he just loves it.
Meanwhile, the little miss and I are having fun hanging out together while Bubba is at school all day.  I introduced her to my favorite snack the other day (graham crackers and frosting) and she thought it was the best thing ever- Ha!  
Kerigan gets so excited when it's time to pick up Bubba, and when he gets home he discovers all his toys she messed up while he was gone- Ha!  She always runs to him when he comes out of his school and they hug.  It is so sweet.  I am loving getting to be the one to pick him up and hear all about his day.  Craig keeps asking me when I am going to start subbing... Ha!  It's something else I'm putting off I guess!  I'm having way too much fun being a mommy and being involved in Andrew's school, activities and loving on my girl all day!
And when daddy gets home in time for some Pete the Cat... all is well with the world!  We love it when Daddy comes home before bed time.  It doesn't happen very often, but it is pretty special when it does.  

Every day that goes by we feel a little bit more like we are home.