
Monday, October 7, 2013

cyclones & birthdays

Wow, I am way behind again.  It's been a busy fall already, and the weather just finally has started cooling off.  I finally went through the kids closets and got out their long sleeves and pants!  Normally every year when I do that it ends up being 80 degrees the next day!  This year I waited long enough that I think we've put the shorts away for good.
The big Cyclone/Hawkeye game didn't turn out the way we had hoped, but we had fun anyway!
The kids dressed up for school on Friday (well, Andrew's school anyway!)  
Then we had our sweet friends over (yes, even though they were Hawkeyes!) to grill and have a bonfire.
Earlier that day the kids and my mom and I had driven around the beautiful ISU campus.  It's always so fun to relive my college days of tailgating and it's so neat to see all the people, tents, and crowds of people and activity going on in town.  
But I must say, while I do love all those things, I still have to admit that grilling out with good friends and just hanging out at home with the game on TV is almost more fun to me.
My little man and me
We are so so grateful that the Diggins family lives in town- we would be lost without them!  It is so nice to just have friends who can pitch in and take turns watching our kiddos, call at the last minute to grab a pizza and have the kids play, etc.  It has been so wonderful having them here!
This was funny, we were trying to get the kids to make faces at each other (Cyclones vs. Hawks!) and it was too hard!  Andrew couldn't keep a straight face and Kerigan wouldn't have anything to do with pictures.  They just love each other too much to make faces at each other!  Ha!  Andrew is so cute he just loves both of these girls but Grace and Kerigan usually end up playing together so he and Emily (she is almost 9) end up hanging out and he just adores her.  He says he wants to marry her!  Ha!  
S'more time!
Andrew was SO stinkin funny.  He wanted to roast a marshmallow for me and he knows I hate them burnt!  He was being all sweet and took it and stuck it right in the fire until it caught fire on purpose!
He was laughing SO hard at my reaction!  He thought he was so funny and kept saying "I tricked you!!!"  What a kid!  Ha!
Two precious heart kids- Miracles!
My sweet friend Mandy with her two precious girls.  We love them!
This girl can put away some s'mores!
Daddy and his mini me
We had a great night celebrating, even though the Cyclones lost!  I love how we can all hang out together and it makes no difference that we cheer for different teams!  That's true friendship!
The next weekend was my birthday so we celebrated at Zeno's pizza- the best pizza I've ever had.  Seriously.  And for birthdays they give you a free cheesey bread, which is to die for.  Do you like how they stuck a candle in it?  
Then we came back to our house and I opened some presents (a gift card to the spa and an Origami Owl necklace!  I'd say I hit the jackpot!)
My mom also brought these unbelieveable cupcakes... I could have eaten every single one!
I could stare at this picture all day and it makes me laugh every time.  Kerigan's sweet little smile and Andrew eyeballing those cupcakes!  Oh my gosh he is soooo funny!  I love it!
My sweet kids... they made my birthday the best day ever.  (Andrew still dying for a cupacke!  Ha!)