
Friday, November 15, 2013

fall fun!

We had lots of fun leading up to Halloween.  We went to a Halloween party at our friend's church in town.  We are still "shopping" for churches so it was fun to see people we knew and kids from Andrew's school there.
Andrew played a killer game of Twister!  I had to laugh about his undies showing through his costume!  At least we knew he needed pants underneath from then on!  Ha!
Sweet girls!  Emily and Kerigan
Andrew's dance moves!  He is so funny!  
So sweet, dancing with his sister.  They had a bubble machine and a big TV where the kids could see themselves dance, it was really neat!
Kerigan was shy at first, but she ended up getting out there and dancing with Grace and all the kids!
This was so funny, they had a little bouncy house which she refused to go in when we got there.  Andrew went in and she would not have anything to do with it.  So as the night went on, she was dancing and having fun and Emily took her over to the bouncy and she loved it!  She didn't want to get out!
Best picture we could get with all the kids!  Ha!

Another weekend we headed to Craig's brother's house to our annual pumpkin carving party!
I could not believe how Kerigan just dug right in and scooped out those guts!
She was very fascinated with the whole process!
She thought it was neat to feel the yucky inside of a pumpkin!
Love that smile!
And this is my all time favorite picture.  I posted it on Facebook and everyone was telling me I should send it in to the Ellen show!  Ha!  Her face is priceless!
She is just usually always happy and smiling like this.  She is just as adorable in person as she is in pictures- she has the best little personality and really is as sweet as she looks!
Evie and Jayden with their pumpkins!
Andrew dug most of his out this year!
I loved this picture of Uncle Jay helping him.  So sweet.
Daddy getting ready to carve her Cinderella pumpkin!
This is pretty much what we all looked like!  Ha!
Andrew was so good and poked the dots on his pumpkin for mommy to carve.
They all turned out so neat, as usual!  Unfortunately it was so late that Kerigan just couldn't stay awake any longer!  She had to go to bed so she didn't get to see her pumpkin lit up until the next night.

Andrew could not have been more thrilled to get to spend the night at Evie and Jayden's house.  This year we decided that would be fun, since we live about 45 minutes away now and the kids had been begging us!  We knew it would be a later night, so we agreed!  And we all had fun!
Happy fall from my pumpkins!  Halloween post coming up soon!  Have to get it done before Thanksgiving!  Ha!