
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

pumpkin patch

I am a little behind on my annual pumpkin patch post, but we had planned to go several weekends ago with our friends and the weather was just awful.  It was the worst Saturday in October, cold and drizzle... brrrr!  It was early enough that I hadn't switched out the fall wardrobes in the closets and hadn't gotten out the winter coats, but I should have!
Both kids were shivering and it is amazing they didn't both get colds!  The plus side is that it was not busy at all and we had almost the whole place to ourselves!
This is what I get when I ask for big smiles!  Ha!  Daddy and his sweet little girl.  Melts my heart (and she melts his!)
Fun on the horse bouncy!
The jumping pillow is always a favorite!
Kerigan was apprehensive at first, like she is with most new things (unlike her crazy brother!) but she got into jumping a little bit!  As long as daddy held on to her!
These were new this year, the kids all had fun!  Even the big kids!  
This is hands down the best orchard around.  They have everything.  You could spend hours and still come back for more!
The kids always love the train ride!
This is our friend's daughter, Emily.  Kerigan adores her.  I LOVE the way she is looking at her.  Emily is such a great role model for her and I'm so happy that the girls live so close to us and we get to spend so much time with them.  Kerigan has a perfect model to look up to!
This is Emily's younger sister Grace.  Kerigan just loves her.  It is so sweet because Grace loves to play with Kerigan.  She actually enjoys going up to her room and spending time playing dress up, dolls, etc.  These two have so much fun.  Kerigan always says "C'mon Grace!  Let's go!" and Grace just follows along and does whatever Kerigan wants to do!  She's so sweet!
Andrew getting "lost" in the maze!  Ha!
This slide is amazing!  This year they added the barrels and the yellow part is more slippery than last year!  I was laughing so hard here because I couldn't believe how fast it was!
Craig came flying down and crashed into people at the bottom.  I was laughing so hard I could barely stay standing!  Look at his face here!  It still makes me laugh just looking at him!  Ha!
The kids had a blast!
Favorite picture of the day.  Hands down!
"You're never fully dressed without a smile!" 
We were eating lunch and a magician came over and did tricks with the kids.  They loved it!
Andrew was just fascinated!  He still talks about this!

We saved the corn pool for last because I just had a feeling that it would be raining and we should do all the outdoor things first.  The corn pool has a cover over it so we were so happy when it started raining just in time!
Having fun tormenting her brother with corn!
Andrew loves it when Kerigan teases him!  
Jumping in!
I love how Andrew is "lounging" on Emily!  Ha!  He loves Emily, too.  One time we were talking and he said he wanted to marry me.  I told him that was so sweet but you can't marry your mom.  Ha.  I said you don't marry people in your family, but just someone you meet and are friends with and that you like.  He goes "Um.... I choose Emily!"  Ha ha.  It was so sweet.
There was a sweet little band playing music and Kerigan danced with her daddy.

Mandy and I were talking about how lucky we were that we married such great guys who chose to come with their families to the pumpkin patch on a freezing cold Saturday instead of staying home and watching football.  We are so lucky.  And so are our kids.
Looking at the horses
Feeding the goats
She loved all the animals.
This cracked me up!  The girls' dad Kenny got under the bridge like the troll and the kids all made faces!  Ha!

Obligatory photo in the wheelbarrow.  Someday they will be too old for this!
And I could not get them to smile and look at me at the same time.  Typical.
I forgot about this one... this is my other favorite picture of the day.  He just did this all by himself, I didn't prompt him or say "kiss your sister."  He just loves her so much.
We got cider donuts and carmel apples and I wish we would have gotten a dozen more apples.  They were sooooo good!  Especially Andrew's that had a frosting over the carmel.  I could have eaten a million of them.  

It was another great year at the pumpkin patch!  See you next year Center Grove!

Just for fun... a look back at the last 3 years!