
Sunday, March 30, 2014

he found his niche

Andrew has definitely found something he loves to do.  And that's Tae Kwon Do.  And we are SO proud of him!  We started him in a beginner class for a couple of months, about a year before we moved.  It was very informal and mainly was just to see if the kids liked it.
I had plans to move him to a studio but then we moved.  And it turns out it was the best thing for a lot of reasons.  One of them being TKD.  We LOVE his new studio and instructor and it has been a wonderful thing for Andrew to be involved in.  It is much more strict and they actually get to move up and get new belts based on their skill, where as in his old class it was based on attendance.  He has an hour class, twice a week.  At first I felt like that was too much, but he enjoys it so much and it's so good for him to be involved in an activity, so it has been fine taking him that often.
There are mostly boys in his class but there are a couple of sweet little girls who Andrew loves to charm and flirt with!  Ha!
He had his first big testing night a few weeks ago.  I think I was more nervous than he was!  They had all the kids from all the different skill levels there which was really neat to see some of the older kids with black belts.  I thought it would be good encouragement for Andrew to see what he can do someday if he continues to work hard!
This was in the middle of his test so I didn't want to use the flash so some of these are blurry but he did so amazing.  The instructor didn't model any of the moves and he asked the kids to do a variety of things, all independently.  Andrew got called on to go first and I was so nervous!  He did awesome!
Look at that high kick!
Master Hala was talking to him as he was getting his new belt, he was listening so intently!  He has learned a lot about being respectful.  We have seen a difference since he started this class!
So proud!
Apparently the instructors are "tough" so they don't smile for pictures!  Ha!  Andrew was so proud to get his yellow belt!
This was so sweet, my friend Mandy kept Kerigan because she could never have made it during the 4 hours of TKD (he had an hour class before testing began!)  It was a long night!  So when we got back to pick her up, they were all standing there like this for Andrew when he walked in.  It was SO sweet!
Kerigan was so proud to show him her sign.  They all cheered for him.  I love sweet friends!  Thanks for making his night extra special, Mandy, Emily and Grace! 

For the longest time I have worried about Andrew not being able to do sports because of his heart condition.  Doctors have said no "contact" sports in his future... so we have been trying to get him involved in things he can participate in and he hasn't really liked much so far.  T-ball wasn't a hit (baseball is one sport he can play someday), and he just took a while to find something he loved.  His cardiologist cleared him to do TKD and I thought it would be great discipline for him, and help him focus and it really has!  It is the perfect thing for him.  We really try to teach him that he can do anything he wants to do, but with his heart limiting his choices somewhat, we have to be gentle with that phrase.  Finding his niche has been a delicate balance of letting him make choices yet guiding him towards what we know he will be able to do.

And we are just so happy and grateful he finally found it.