
Monday, April 7, 2014

birthday, pizza & awards

I was trying to come up with a title but this post is so random, nothing seemed to fit!  Now that I have my new iPhone I have realized it's harder to do updates because I take so many pictures on my phone now.  The camera on it is SO much better than my old phone, so the ones I take on my big camera and the ones on my phone get all mixed up and it's hard to get them all organized!  I need to figure out a system!

So... here's a random update of forgotten phone pictures!
Andrew filled up his reward sheet at home so he got to pick a Skylander.  I took the kids to Walmart one evening to eat Subway and pick one out.
Nothing like eating dinner at Subway inside Walmart, huh?  Classy.  But you just can't beat the one stop shop with two kids in tow!

The other day we got a note from school that said Andrew's art work had been chosen to be part of an art show being put on in town.  The note had his name on it so I figured his must have been specifically selected, but then he told me all the kids got a note like that!  Ha!  We decided to go anyway and just check it out.
And I'm so happy we did, because his art teacher told us that he got a special award, and his was only one of three others that got this award (See the gold sticker on his picture?)  3 out of 800 entries for his whole school!  That's pretty impressive.  And it is going to be framed in the central office for a year, and then given to us framed.
His art teacher is so fun and sweet.  We just love her!  So does Andrew, he was flirting with her all afternoon!  Ha!
The show was put on at the art museum in town and Andrew had fun looking at all the other artwork that was displayed.  He wanted me to take a picture of him next to this sculpture of a scientist with his "brain!"  Ha!
Andrew also earned his patch and wings from Awana for memorizing his bible verses!  We are just so proud of him.  He's having the best year and is learning so much.  He's asking really good questions about Jesus and I'm so thrilled that his little heart is so open and he has enjoyed Awana.  It has been so good for him!
This was so funny.  We had family reading night at Andrew's school the other night and they had guest readers (teachers) that were reading books by Mo Willems.  They also had dinner and crafts and games going on.  The kids had to visit 3 stations and then they got to pick a free book.  Well, Andrew wanted to do everything, not just 3, so it was getting late and people were leaving and we were the last ones in this room to hear a story so the kids made themselves comfy!  Ha!
I went on a little field trip Kerigan had to Zeno's pizza- seriously the best pizza ever.  Ashley's brother owns it, so he let all of us come and the kids made little pizzas played with the dough, then watched the process it goes through before it lands on your table!
Making the dough flat!
Then they ran it through a machine that made it really flat, which the kids thought was so cool!
Putting the yummy sauce on!  For some reason I missed getting a picture of the oven- we were all lifting the kids up to see the pizzas inside and I think my phone just got put away!
We had so much fun!  Thank you Zeno's!
And it was an especially fun treat because we got to bring the left over pizza to daddy for his birthday!  Andrew wanted to give up his lunch recess at school to go surprise daddy so Kerigan and I picked him up and we all went to the dollar store to buy a balloon and some treats for daddy.  I just have to tell this story.  We got everything we needed, got in the car and I was having Andrew sign the card (nothing like planning ahead, right?) and he had been clutching the balloon but put it down to write and when I opened the van door, it flew out so fast none of us could catch it.  You should have seen the look on Andrew's face (and probably mine too!)  He immediately started crying as I'm thinking of how we can fix this problem without having to drive all the way back to the dollar store.  Ha!  I was coming up with nothing, so back we went.  Andrew didn't let it out of his grip this time!
When Kerigan and I got back home we whipped up a cake for daddy!
And this is too funny not to share... you can see Andrew in this picture getting ready to blow Craig's candles out!  And he did.  Every single one.  So I about died laughing when Craig took the lighter and lit them all again so he could blow them out himself!!  Ha!  Such a kid at heart!
Andrew was determined to do it again! 
In honor of Craig's birthday, I couldn't resist this I found on Pinterest.  Nothing has ever been more true or described us better!  I love Craig so much and he is absolutely my best friend, but oh my lord.  
The other night they had a "Dancing with the Stars" of people in our town so the high school principal was one of the dancers!  Ha!  It was a fund raiser for a renovation project and it was so much fun!  They raised a ton of money for a good cause and we enjoyed watching all the dancing!  Craig kept saying he was just glad it wasn't him, but the people in charge of it kept telling him to just wait til next year!  I cannot wait!  Ha!
This is a story I just have to tell.  At the fund raiser we ran into some friends from town who introduced me to this lady named Mary.  Then she and Craig said hello (he knows everyone in town, I swear!) and they proceed to tell me that she knew my dad!  My dad was HER principal back at the first school he worked at in my old hometown.  I could not believe what a small world it is!  Then, it gets even more amazing because we were talking and I find out that she used to be the principal of Andrew's school in town!  She just retired a few years back.  What are the chances?  She was just the sweetest lady and I just love any connection that has to do with my dad!  It was one of those stories that I would have immediately wanted to call and tell him about.  My dad never met a stranger and I just know he brought this connection to me in my new town.  I am sure he was looking down and smiling.
I went with Kerigan and her friends from Ashley's to tot town the other day.  The last one of the season.  The kids all had a great time and as much as we loved going to tot town, we are very glad the season is over because that means it is almost spring!
Kerigan and Lily are so cute together.  Lily is Ashley's daughter and they are sweet little friends.  Kerigan would climb up the slide and wait for Lily to come up so they could slide together.  So funny!
Ashley and her family got to go to watch the Cyclones play in the Big 12 tournament (lucky them!) so my friend Mandy kept Kerigan one day while I was subbing.  She sent me pictures and I loved seeing all the fun she had!  Mandy even got her to nap!
They made home made play doh!  So fun!

And I think this is probably the funniest video I have ever seen.  I still think if I sent it into America's Funniest Videos it would win us a trip somewhere!  Mandy sent this to me while I was working and I could not stop laughing the rest of the day.  I think I have watched it over 100 times!  
The princess and I are having lots of fun at home, enjoying our last few months together before summer.  She likes to play hide and seek.  And she's really good at it!  Ha!
She loves to hide in the pantry.  She will just sit in here and hang out for a long time!  
We are still plugging along with potty training.  It's not going the greatest.  She just hasn't decided that she wants to do it yet, and this girl is so stubborn there is no telling her what to do!  She will go here and there, but never on her own.  We always have to take her in and whenever we ask her if she has to go she says no.  I posted this on facebook and so many people were writing funny captions for it!  The princess and the pee, princess in training (from Sofia the First!) and that she's sitting on her throne!  I was dying!  At least we can laugh, because I'm about to pull my hair out over the whole thing.  
This was so sweet.  One evening we went to Craig's brother's to watch the big ISU game and spent the night.  The kids were watching a movie in another room and when I went in there to check on them I saw this.  He loves his cousins more than anything!  They were all sharing popcorn.
My sweet kids!  Being with them is such a joy and we are so excited it's getting nicer out and can't wait to start playing outside!  We've been cooped up for way too long.  This was the longest winter ever!