
Thursday, June 12, 2014

bobcat pride

We have had several school events the past couple of months, so I am breaking this update up into sections!  School is out for summer and I am trying to get caught up before I post first and last day pictures!


I've mentioned before that Craig's school is going through a renovation of their high school gymnasium.  Lots of fundraisers are being held and a few weekends ago they hosted a Bobcat Ball.  Craig was asked to be the announcer, and he did great!
All decked out for date night in Bobcat gear!
It was such a fun evening, sort of like an old high school reunion!  They honored older players/record holders of various sports.  Craig announced them and they came running down the aisle like in a real game!  It was so fun!
They had popcorn and flags as centerpieces.  They auctioned off items from the gym, like pieces of wood from the bleachers that had been made into different pieces of furniture- so cool!
My friend Mandy bought a star for her hubby- he was a star basketball player and played in that gym! 
After the ball several people went out to keep the party going on!  This bar is an older bar in town that is pretty popular!  We ordered pizza and had drinks and had to take a selfie.  Ha!  Such a fun night with good friends!

Andrew's first grade class invited us to come on the day of the family picnic to hear their stories from writer's workshop.  We walked in and Kerigan sat right down with Andrew!  It was so cute!  She cannot wait to go to school.
Andrew reading his story.  It was pretty clever!  His teacher said his favorite thing to write about is Skylanders (shocking), and she was happy she actually convinced him to add a plot this time, and he did!  It was about a Skylander who got lost.  And his sister had hidden it.  Ha!  Pretty realistic I thought!
After story time we headed outside for the school picnic!
It was fun to see so many families out and it was a beautiful day!  I've mentioned how much we love Andrew's school.  I have subbed in every classroom there, multiple times and I love that when I walk in the building, every kid knows me!  
I just have to say again what a special treat it is for all of us to have daddy's school be minutes away from Andrew's school, and our house.  He usually can get away to join us for special things and we just love it!
The kids enjoyed playing with their friends after lunch!


This was such a cool event!  They invite all the kids from all the school's to the high school gym (the one that's being renovated) and encourage reading!  Each kids gets a free book and popcorn.  They have police officers and firemen come to read to the kids so they can see the value of reading.  This is Andrew and his buddy from the neighborhood, Jackson.
Kerigan with her sweet little friend Payton.  Her mom is a teacher and her dad is one of Craig's coaches so we have gotten to know their family and we just love them!
Bobcat girl!
Reading their books on the gym floor- so sweet!

Listening to another story with daddy
They even had a bouncy house!  The kids had a blast!
I think the best part was daddy giving them rides in the golf cart!

Field day always marks the end of the school year, doesn't it?  It is so much fun and Andrew just loves PE so it's like his favorite thing!
Once again daddy joined us (The PE teacher is also one of daddy's coaches... I love how everyone is connected!  It's that small town feel but still a larger school).
The kids did lots of cooperative relay races
Andrew kept stopping to smile for the camera!  Ha!

The javelin throw was pretty funny!  Using pool noodles! 
Stopping in the middle of his race to smile at me.  Nice.
All the kids in his class just love Kerigan.  
And Andrew is just about as proud as he could be of her.  It is so sweet!  He loves to take her hand and have her walk with him, and she just eats up the attention!
Waiting for their turn at Tug of War
This is the big event of field day.  All the 1st and 2nd grade classes compete against each other so they all get several turns.  This is Andrew's teacher getting all competitive and screaming at them to pull!!!!  Ha!  I was cracking up at her!  She is the most amazing teacher ever.
Andrew loves being in the back!  He's pretty much the smallest in his class but he thinks he plays a big role in the rope yanking!  Ha!
They ended up Tug of War champions.  Must be because their teacher is so awesome!

I can't believe Andrew is going on to 2nd grade.  What an amazing year he's had.  We just love our new hometown, and are proud to be a Bobcat family!