
Saturday, June 14, 2014


We always love to kick off summer at the zoo with Dreamnight!  An evening for families of kids with special needs.  The zoo closes to the public and it's a free event, with tons of crafts, characters, and food!
Usually a princess from the Little Princess Parties is here, but we were disappointed this year!  (Like we haven't seen enough of them lately!)  You may remember this classic picture from last year, that is worth reposting.
I think this will forever be one of my most favorite pictures ever.  I mean, seriously?  Who pouts when they get to meet Cinderella and Snow White?!  Yet, poses like a princess!  Ha!
We got to watch seal feeding time!
Hanging out with our heart friends, Andrew and Lainey!
Blurry but I loved it!  Being silly with daddy!
Train ride!
These boys make me laugh!
And melt my heart at the same time.  Two amazing miracles right here.

And their sweet sisters!
Walking to see the rhino!

We were bummed the rhino was inside again like last year.  This time it was because it had rained a lot during the day so it was too muddy.  They had the giraffes put away too (huge disappointment to the kids!)
Petting a lizard!  You can see Craig is holding Kerigan on the right and her little hand is outstretched... she kept changing her mind about touching it.  Finally after we were leaving she said she wanted to, and she did!  It was so fast I didn't get a picture.  But she was so proud of herself!
She is getting braver and braver each day.
Even though these weird looking things scared her just a little!  Ha!  (Who can blame her??)
They had a blast at the petting zoo and feeding the lamas and and goats.
Kerigan just couldn't get up the nerve to leave her hand out so she just threw the food at them!  Ha!
Erin met a new friend!  HA!
They always love playing on the playground at the zoo.  It was the first thing Andrew wanted to do and I made us see the animals first, just in case we ran out of time!  I think he could have played here all night!

On the way out we had just enough time to stop by the indoor water animals.

There's a one man band that comes and entertains the kids and Andrew is always fascinated with him!  He especially loves juggling, but he loved doing this too!

We always have so much fun together as a family and with our fellow heart families at the zoo!  We are so thankful for this special event!